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[GIVEAWAY] Last chance to get 10 Legendary Pokemon.{Final Trades HappenTommorow thru Friday}
Would love to nab a few of these Pokemon
FC: 3711-8389-4723
IGN: Brent
Hi! I've already add you
My Ign: Manuel
Fc: on the left
Ty for this amazing giveaway! Smile
" Sometimes you must HURT in order to KNOW, FALL in order to GROW, LOSE in order to GAIN because life's greatest lessons are learned through PAIN."
Hey, I hope its not too late for me. Smile
IGN: Marvin
FC: 0232-9653-0152
Thank you very much! Smile
I hope you give me some nice legendary's
IGN: Don
FC: 3454-2733-6129
IGN: Avirna
FC: to the left
Thank you very much for taking the time to share. Best community evar!
If I see you online should I send you a trade request or not?
Hello everyone, I am in class now but I will add you guys when I get home later on tonight. If you guys see me online send me a trade request that way you can get the pokemon. Do not worry, I have nearly a limitless supply of these pokemon while the giveaway lasts, so it is never to late to put your name down. (Until of course we reach the deadline)

I look forward to the trades. If I don't get you tonight then I will get you tomorrow. Everyone will get their pokemon as long as you have added me.

Even if you see that I have not added you back it is simply because my friends list is full and I am handling other sections.

If you have any questions comments or concerns let me know.

My timezone is EST
My IGN is Noel
I want on thank you very much
Ign: donut
FC its on my profile
(Jan 21, 2015, 03:20 PM)leponzitro Wrote: Hello everyone, I am in class now but I will add you guys when I get home later on tonight. If you guys see me online send me a trade request that way you can get the pokemon. Do not worry, I have nearly a limitless supply of these pokemon while the giveaway lasts, so it is never to late to put your name down. (Until of course we reach the deadline)

I look forward to the trades. If I don't get you tonight then I will get you tomorrow. Everyone will get their pokemon as long as you have added me.

Even if you see that I have not added you back it is simply because my friends list is full and I am handling other sections.

If you have any questions comments or concerns let me know.

My timezone is EST
My IGN is Noel
I am getting online if you're available to trade now
Still in class everyone. So it looks like trading will not happen today, but the good news is I will be off until next Monday after today so that means trading will be happening a lot.

If you like this giveaway and want more like it feel free to let me know what you think.

I will not ask for a +1 reputation as that is completely up to your discretion and it is something that I do not want to influence. However it is always appreciated.

On a side note I am thinking about doing 2 things after this giveaway closes and would like your feedback on it.

The first is a 6IV Shiny Darkrai giveaway. (This is not final as I always test the pokemon to see if it can be traded)

The second would be a IV maxing and Nature service. In which I will take pokemon that you send me and max their IVs and give them the natures that you want and then send them back to you. (This is not final as well since this does not work with some event legendary pokemon)

I would appreciate your feedback as to which you would like to see.

If you would like any details on either feel free to ask.

Also bump this so everyone can see. Thanks :D

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