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[GIVEAWAY] (OFFLINE) free Ditto5/6ivs+Battle ready shiny +(TSV Check))
Deposited:Gumshoos nickname gon
Wanted:Sylveon 2
Tommorow i will add maybe a new surprise(need to check first things)

Btw, if you got the pokemon you can check the list below at page 1.

Enjoy (going offline now)
ign: slife
Deposited: spinarak lvl 5
gender: male
Pokemon Wanted: any 5-6 iv ditto plz :D
Gender: Any
thanks in advance!! :D
All been sent(if not you can pm me or post here the new deposited)

Btw, for more Battle ready <<

When i see high votes on one of them they have high chance to be added to a new giveaway or this one.

''????'' << This one means you can suggest something you would like to see from all pokemon(no events)
I deposited a lvl 5 wingull named gon ign is hawkeye for hippowpodon
(Mar 23, 2017, 03:08 PM)Darkpower Wrote: I deposited a lvl 5 wingull named gon ign is hawkeye for hippowpodon

Can't find ya, try depositing something else+ i sent a pm to ya.(private message)
Looks like this is my request #3

Deposited: Caterpie (Killua)
Level: 11
Gender: Male
IGN: Pokejack
Which One? The Almighty Arcanine if you will :P
Hey @Drangor2 is hippowdon shiny? :O
(Mar 23, 2017, 04:25 PM)Maddyfresh Wrote: Hey @Drangor2 is hippowdon shiny? :O

Shiny yes (90%)

Also, if anyone wants, can suggest some pokemon to add( i have box full of a lot of different competitive br pokemon etc, and later on i can give maybe a special event in a giveaway, but i need to check things first.
Giving you rep! And new request! ^^
pokemon dep: slowpoke (gon)
lvl: 6
gender: female
ign: snow
pokemon req: female milotic
thanks again!

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