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Pokemon Wanted: HA Bulbasaur, HA Murkrow, HA Fennekin, HA Binacle

If Bulbasaur isn't 5ivs i can have one with 5ivs?
FC: 0190-2817-8607

Thank you :D
@Wolfslash77 @WolfslashOne 

i was wondering if i could hord all starters hehe, but here is my wish list:

HA, Adamant Totodile
HA, Hardy/Quirky (or any balanced nature) Chimchar
HA, Calm Froakie

for me these are the starters with their final evolutions i like the most (aside from samurott and blaziken)
piplup egg, chicirita egg, turtwig egg, and cyndaquil egg if you have any added you.
@Wolfslash77  @Wei 

Pokemon Wanted: HA Froakie(Quite),HA Dratini(Adamant),Squirtle And Phione(WEI)
IGN: Lizzel

Thank you for doing this awesome giveaway
Pokemon Wanted: Mudkip HA, Treecko HA and Pachirisu HA
IGN: Max
FC: 1736-2932-7137
Pokemon wanted : Shuckle with HA
Ign :  Grey
Fc:  0920-2642-2074
Pokemon Wanted: Torrent Squirtle with Water Spout Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere (Modest), HA Froakie (Modest), HA Sneavy (Timid)
IGN: Curtis
FC: 2037-1090-1042

Waiting for it. Thank you dude Smile
~ A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.
@Wolfslash77 Any chance you could breed a HA Modest Squirtle with 5 IVs in all but speed? If you're doing egg moves, I could really go for Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere. That would be amazing!

IGN and Friend Code in the box to your left, good sir!  :D
Can you h*ck me a Ditto?

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