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HI HIHIHI. New to the community. I would like this shiny shuckle. But unfortunately I can only go on the 24th June. New Zealand date. So maybe could you please reserve one for me. i will be on around 5:50pm NZ time. I can also use it to complete my dex.

Friendcode: 4742-9349-2591
IGN: Doh
I would like one shucktacular Shuckle!
IGN: Aqwell
Pokemon deposited: Corsola
Level: 35
Gender: Female
Message: Siesta Shuckle
I would like a shuckle Smile
Pokemon deposited: Corsola
Level: 40
looking for shuckle level 91-100
Message: Michaelm291

Wouldn't allow me to put a gender in. Thanks!
Would love a shuckle :-) 
pokemon deposited: corsola 
level: 1
ign: ash
message: cescone

thanks a lot :-)
(Jun 19, 2016, 07:34 PM)Francus420 Wrote: I would love to have a Shuckle! Smile

Edit: Thank you so much :D

Don't mention it :]!
(Jun 19, 2016, 08:32 PM)KCannon Wrote: I'd love a shiny shuckle 
ign: Cannon
pokemon: Corsola
gender: male
level: 35
message: Pokemon!!
sent a +1 rep

Completed, enjoy!
(Jun 19, 2016, 10:03 PM)ProfessorLapras Wrote: IGN is Lizzy Smile

I'm online now so I'll get to you now~
(Jun 20, 2016, 12:30 AM)halllo Wrote: HI HIHIHI. New to the community. I would like this shiny shuckle. But unfortunately I can only go on the 24th June. New Zealand date. So maybe could you please reserve one for me. i will be on around 5:50pm NZ time. I can also use it to complete my dex.

Friendcode: 4742-9349-2591
IGN: Doh

Not a problem my friend, ofcourse I'll reserve one for ya :]!
(Jun 20, 2016, 02:06 AM)Aqwell Wrote: I would like one shucktacular Shuckle!
IGN: Aqwell
Pokemon deposited: Corsola
Level: 35
Gender: Female
Message: Siesta Shuckle

I'm online now so I'll be coming on!
(Jun 20, 2016, 03:40 AM)michaelm291 Wrote: I would like a shuckle Smile
Pokemon deposited: Corsola
Level: 40
looking for shuckle level 91-100
Message: Michaelm291

Wouldn't allow me to put a gender in. Thanks!

I gotchu. I'm online now!
(Jun 20, 2016, 04:18 AM)Cescone Wrote: Would love a shuckle :-) 
pokemon deposited: corsola 
level: 1
ign: ash
message: cescone

thanks a lot :-)

Coming right up!
Hey Chitoge,

Hope this doesnt sound impatient, just checking in on the HA Politoed situation?

Been braggin to my mate about the shiny I got yesterday so I wouldn't be surprised if he jumps on for one. Just got a Shiny Mightyena from WT as well!
(Jun 20, 2016, 07:54 AM)PrinceeZuko Wrote: Hey Chitoge,

Hope this doesnt sound impatient, just checking in on the HA Politoed situation?

Been braggin to my mate about the shiny I got yesterday so I wouldn't be surprised if he jumps on for one. Just got a Shiny Mightyena from WT as well!

Doesn't at all buddy. Do you want the Politoed to be shiny or regular and male or female?

& 'grats on the Mightyena :]!
I like breeding it so I have I am the OT and I got a 6IV Ditto so gender isnt that important.
If you could get a shiny that would be greatly appreciated though!
Me and my mate are pulling together to try and get some sort of living dex sorted before sun and moon and the shiny would really help Smile
I'm pretty sure I got to everyone who requested a Shuckle after I went to sleep so enjoy! If not let me know ASAP.
(Jun 20, 2016, 08:03 AM)PrinceeZuko Wrote: I like breeding it so I have I am the OT and I got a 6IV Ditto so gender isnt that important.
If you could get a shiny that would be greatly appreciated though!
Me and my mate are pulling together to try and get some sort of living dex sorted before sun and moon and the shiny would really help Smile

Drop a Corsola in the GTS and look for a level 91 or higher Politoad. I'll get to you in like 30 mins :]!

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