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[GIVEAWAY] Zerk's 5IV Giveaway[UPDATE]
Hey Smile
Im currently breeding some mons that i want to give away to the community Smile
The 5IV spread is not always perfect!
Let me know if u dont care about the spread or if u really want a perfect 5IV spread.
Make sure to add me kappa

Here is my list :

(HA = Hidden Ability | EM = Eggmoves)

Gible Jolly (HA | EM: Outrage)
Skarmory Impish (Sturdy | EM: Stealthrocks,Drill Peck,Whirlwind)
Larvesta Timid (Flamebody)
Charmander Timid (Blaze)
Togepi Bold (Serence Grace | EM: Nasty Plot,Mirror Move)
Beldum Adamant (Clear Body)
Nidoran Timid/Modest (HA) [Female/Male]
Scyther Adamant (Technician)
Abra Timid (HA)
Swinub Jolly (HA | EM: Stealthrocks,Icicle Crash)
Dratini Jolly/Adamant (HA)
Deino Timid (Hustle | EM: Earth Power)
Shinx Jolly (HA | EM: Ice Fang,Fire Fang)
Phanpy Adamant (Pickup | EM: Ice Shard)
Honedge Sassy (No Guard)
Ghastly Timid (Levitate)
Bagon Jolly (Rock Head | EM: DD,Hydro Pump,Thrash,Dragon Rush)
Fletchling Adamant (HA)
Shuppet Adamant (Frisk)

I dont have all of these Pokemons in storage.
I have to breed them so it may take some time until u receive your wish  kappa
And dont forget to post your IGN and FC

Tell me if u want a male or female and if you care about the IV spread!!!
I'm interested in phanpy and bagon. I would prefer the ideal 5 IV spread, but just 5 IV is fine. I can breed from there. Just let me know when you can trade and we can negotiate a time.
I would like a Deino and a Male Nidoran if possible.

Pokemon IGN: Sam
Friend Code: 0447-7121-3491
Would love a Nidoran, Swibum, Dratini, Shinx, Fletching
I do not care about IVs, you can give me 0IVs. All I care is HA and Female. I can do the heavy work later. (:

Let me know if possible. I know I am asking for.. a lot. :P

We are already friends.
New to the Forum? Visit a 5IV Pokemon Giveaway here.

I am Breeder. Need help? Ask away!.

Hi can i have Shinx, Swinub and Scyther? :D
Hi there, if you can breed me a Shinx and Phanpy, that would be awesome!
All mons are ready for the trade! :D
Added you ^^
Could i have the scyther with 5IVs and the swinub without?

IGN: James
FC: 4098-5182-1867

Thanks Smile
could i please grab a togepi and phanphy please the iv spread isn't super important so whatever is okay Smile thank you
ign : ryan
FC: 2509 - 4504 - 0190

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