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Hello everybody!
Hello all! Smile

I am new to the site and I've been subscribed to Justin on YouTube for a long time, and I just now started watching his Twitch channels. My name is Giovanni or Gino and I'm from Hillsboro, Oregon. I'm 17 years old senior in high school and I've been playing Pokemon forever but am just now getting into competitive battling and I'm sorry if I get some of the lingo wrong at first haha, but yeah I'm happy to be here and this already looks like a wonderful community, can't wait to meet more of you guys! Smile

P.S. Anybody add me! I play quite often when I'm not at school! Smile
welcome :D
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
(Mar 5, 2015, 07:16 PM)Animekid7 Wrote: welcome :D

Hello :D :D :D
Hoiy m8, and welcome to the Forums!
I'm just here.

Welcome aboard!
Thank you both! ^^ :D

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