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Hi everyone!
Nice to meet you all! My name is Autumn, and its so nice to find a forum of fellow Poke-enthusiasts! My current play style gravitates toward exploring, shiny hunting, and attempting to fill my Pokedex (New Years resolution). I fell out of Pokemon for a few years, I played Red and Blue when they came out, but stopped until Platinum had been out for awhile. I'm an older fan (almost 30, gasp!), and I think its awesome how Pokemon brings so many generations of players together. I still swap Pokemon secrets and info with my nephews, who are now in their teens, so it brings me a lot of joy.

I'm still wrapping my head around the intrinsic details that have evolved and changed in the game over the years, the development of the meta game with competitive builds, stats, and so forth. So, while I find it interesting, I am complete garbage at battling! Perhaps that will be my next resolution...

Anyway, enough from me, I look forward to meeting and making new friends, hurray!
Welcome to the forums! I see that you been playing the series sincered and blue. I started playing Pokemon when I was about 5 years old just as gen 1 was about to end. This series is probably the most deepest game series other than its fellow Nintendo franchise: Mario and Legend of Zelda. However I like those games, there are some many ways to enjoy pokemon like you said it's not funny. I'll tell you that competitive battling is a huge rabbit hole to no end in sight. The way each pokemon is built around entirely depends on the format (singles, doubles, smogon, VGC) so don't expect similar sets most of the time. It's probably best to start off with standard things(ie rotom-w, ferrothorn, t-tar, m-charizard) and just deviate from there. Anyways welcome aboard!
Welcome AutumnDaze!
Welcome to the Site! ^.^/
Hope you enjoy the community and if you need any help with the pokedex just ask me. Wink
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

Hi Autumn! Welcome to the website! :D

Thank you for the warm welcome everyone!
Welcome aboard! Loved the introduction. I've played all Pokémon games myself even Red and Blue when they came out. I just turned 25 so I am getting up there! :P
Thanks Aerial, nice to meet you as well!

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