I'm looking for ANY DreamB Pokemon I don't already have listed down below (FOR TRADE)
NOTE: If you're not interested in trading for my Pokemon Breedables listed below I can also offer certain items for trade (so long as it's a trade I really want or so long as you offer multiple DreamB Pokemon - depending on the item you're wanting). Either way, I hope we can work something out! ALSO! If you have no DreamB Pokemon I don't already have & wish to have 1 of the 1s in my FT section (or 1 of my other breedables listed), don't fret! I'm sure we can work something out then too! I'm always looking for more Aprimon or HA/EM Pokemon!
Breedable Pokemon (FOR TRADE):
HA Absol 4 EMs
HA Aerodactyl 4 EMs
HA Axew 4 EMs
HA Bellsprout 4 EMs
HA Bronzor
HA Bulbasaur 4 EMs
Chansey 2 EMs
HA Charmander 4 EMs
Cherubi 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Dratini 4 EMs
HA Drifloon
HA Drilbur
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Farfetch'd 4 EMs
HA Feebas 4 EMs
HA Gligar 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Igglybuff
HA Lapras 4 EMs
HA Lickitung 1 EM
HA Lileep 4 EMs
Machop 4 EMs
HA Magby 4 EMs
HA Mareep 4 EMs
HA Mawile 4 EMs
HA Mudkip 4 EMs
HA Munna
HA Murkrow 4 EMs
HA Nidoran (Female or Male)
HA Omanyte
HA Pachirisu 4 EMs
HA Pidgey 4 EMs
HA Pinsir 4 EMs
HA Piplup 4 EMs
HA Porygon (No EMs)
HA Ralts 4 EMs
Rotom (No HA or EMs)
HA Sableye 1 EM
HA Sentret 4 EMs
HA Shinx
HA Shroomish 4 EMs
HA Shuckle 4 EMs
HA Shuppet 4 EMs
HA Sigilyph
HA Spiritomb 4 EMs
HA Squirtle 4 EMs
HA Tentacool 4 EMs
HA Tirtouga 3 EMs
HA Togepi
HA Torchic
HA Treecko 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
HA Yanma
HA Bagon
Beldum (No EMs)
HA Caterpie (No EMs)
HA Chikorita 4 EMs
HA Cottonee 4 EMs
HA Cubone 1 EM
HA Cyndaquil 1 EM
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Feebas 4 EMs
Gastly 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Gible 4 EMs
Honedge 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Lapras 4 EMs
HA Magikarp (No EMs)
HA Mareanie 4 EMs
Mimikyu 4 EMs (No HA)
Minior (No HA or EMs)
HA Paras
Oricorio (No HA)
HA Riolu 3 EMs
HA Rockruff 4 EMs
HA Sableye 1 EM
HA Sandshrew (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Sandshrew (Kanto) 4 EMs
Sandygast 4 EMs
HA Scyther 4 EMs
HA Snivy 4 EMs
HA Solosis
Stufful 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
Wimpod 1 EM
HA Growlithe 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Pichu 1 EM
HA Scyther 4 EMs
HA Chikorita 4 EMs
HA Exeggcute 4 EMs
HA Fomantis 4 EMs
HA Scyther 4 EMs
HA Snivy 4 EMs
HA Trapinch 4 EMs
HA Elekid 2 EMs
Honedge 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Houndour 4 EMs
Larvitar 4 EMs
HA Nidoran (Female or Male)
Rhyhorn 4 EMs
HA Snorlax 1 EM
Turtonator 1 EM (No HA)
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Roggenrola 1 EM
Stufful 4 EMs
Bounsweet 4 EMs
HA Buneary 4 EMs
HA Caterpie (No EMs)
HA Chikorita 4 EMs
HA Cleffa
HA Cutiefly 4 EMs
HA Dratini 4 EMs
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Fomantis 4 EMs
HA Goomy 4 EMs
Hoppip 4 EMs
Koffing 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Lickitung 1 EM
HA Mareanie 4 EMs
HA Mawile 4 EMs
Mimikyu 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Oddish
HA Pidgey 4 EMs
HA Ponyta 1 EM
HA Sentret 4 EMs
HA Slowpoke 4 EMs
HA Slugma 4 EMs
HA Snorunt 4 EMs
Stufful 4 EMs
HA Tepig 3 EMs
HA Togepi 2 EMs
HA Totodile 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
HA Carvanha 4 EMs
HA Lapras 4 EMs
HA Magikarp (No EMs)
Oranguru (HA Not Available)
HA Cottonee 4 EMs
Deino 2 EMs (No HA)
HA Eevee 4 EMs
Gastly 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Gligar 4 EMs
Honedge 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Hoothoot 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
Larvitar 4 EMs
HA Mareep 3 EMs
Mimikyu 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Ralts 4 EMs
HA Rockruff 4 EMs
Salandit 4 EMs
Sandygast 4 EMs
HA Slowpoke 4 EMs
HA Sneasel 4 EMs
HA Trevenant
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
Zubat 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Lapras 4 EMs
Larvitar 4 EMs
HA Sandshrew (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Sandshrew (Kanto) 4 EMs
HA Shroomish 4 EMs
HA Trapinch 4 EMs
HA Yanma
HIDDEN ABILITY (Not including the 1s listed in other 'ball' categories):
Abra (LuxuryB, PokeB, or QuickB*)
Deerling 4 EMs (HealB PokeB, PremierB, TimerB*) - Have all Alternate Forms
Espurr 4 EMs (HealB or LuxuryB*)
Fennekin 4 EMs (LuxuryB or PokeB*)
Foongus 4 EMs (GreatB)
Froakie 4 EMs (DiveB, DuskB, LuxuryB or PokeB*)
Geodude - Alola (PokeB)
Goldeen (DuskB)
Heracross 3 EMs (HealB, PokeB, or UltraB*)
Litleo (LuxuryB or PremierB*)
Marill 3 EMs (LuxuryB or QuickB*)
Noibat 2 EMs (DuskB, LuxuryB, or PokeB*)
Pancham 4 EMs (DiveB*)
Petilil (NestB*)
Poochyena 4 EMs (LuxuryB or UltraB*)
Smeargle - No EMs (RepeatB)
Swirlix 3 EMs (LuxuryB or PremierB*)
Tyrunt 4 EMs (PokeB)
NOTE: Pokemon marked w/a * in this list may be specially requested as these other ball types: PokeB, GreatB, UltraB, PremierB, DiveB, DuskB, LuxuryB, HealB, NestB, NetB, RepeatB, QuickB, & TimerB)
BeastB Litten 4 EMs (Also have in 'Legal' PokeB)
BeastB Popplio 4 EMs (Also have in 'Legal' PokeB)
BeastB or PremierB Rowlet 4 EMs (Also have in 'Legal' PokeB)
NOTE: If you're not interested in trading for my Pokemon Breedables listed below I can also offer certain items for trade (so long as it's a trade I really want or so long as you offer multiple DreamB Pokemon - depending on the item you're wanting). Either way, I hope we can work something out! ALSO! If you have no DreamB Pokemon I don't already have & wish to have 1 of the 1s in my FT section (or 1 of my other breedables listed), don't fret! I'm sure we can work something out then too! I'm always looking for more Aprimon or HA/EM Pokemon!
Breedable Pokemon (FOR TRADE):
HA Absol 4 EMs
HA Aerodactyl 4 EMs
HA Axew 4 EMs
HA Bellsprout 4 EMs
HA Bronzor
HA Bulbasaur 4 EMs
Chansey 2 EMs
HA Charmander 4 EMs
Cherubi 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Dratini 4 EMs
HA Drifloon
HA Drilbur
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Farfetch'd 4 EMs
HA Feebas 4 EMs
HA Gligar 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Igglybuff
HA Lapras 4 EMs
HA Lickitung 1 EM
HA Lileep 4 EMs
Machop 4 EMs
HA Magby 4 EMs
HA Mareep 4 EMs
HA Mawile 4 EMs
HA Mudkip 4 EMs
HA Munna
HA Murkrow 4 EMs
HA Nidoran (Female or Male)
HA Omanyte
HA Pachirisu 4 EMs
HA Pidgey 4 EMs
HA Pinsir 4 EMs
HA Piplup 4 EMs
HA Porygon (No EMs)
HA Ralts 4 EMs
Rotom (No HA or EMs)
HA Sableye 1 EM
HA Sentret 4 EMs
HA Shinx
HA Shroomish 4 EMs
HA Shuckle 4 EMs
HA Shuppet 4 EMs
HA Sigilyph
HA Spiritomb 4 EMs
HA Squirtle 4 EMs
HA Tentacool 4 EMs
HA Tirtouga 3 EMs
HA Togepi
HA Torchic
HA Treecko 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
HA Yanma
HA Bagon
Beldum (No EMs)
HA Caterpie (No EMs)
HA Chikorita 4 EMs
HA Cottonee 4 EMs
HA Cubone 1 EM
HA Cyndaquil 1 EM
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Feebas 4 EMs
Gastly 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Gible 4 EMs
Honedge 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Lapras 4 EMs
HA Magikarp (No EMs)
HA Mareanie 4 EMs
Mimikyu 4 EMs (No HA)
Minior (No HA or EMs)
HA Paras
Oricorio (No HA)
HA Riolu 3 EMs
HA Rockruff 4 EMs
HA Sableye 1 EM
HA Sandshrew (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Sandshrew (Kanto) 4 EMs
Sandygast 4 EMs
HA Scyther 4 EMs
HA Snivy 4 EMs
HA Solosis
Stufful 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
Wimpod 1 EM
HA Growlithe 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Pichu 1 EM
HA Scyther 4 EMs
HA Chikorita 4 EMs
HA Exeggcute 4 EMs
HA Fomantis 4 EMs
HA Scyther 4 EMs
HA Snivy 4 EMs
HA Trapinch 4 EMs
HA Elekid 2 EMs
Honedge 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Houndour 4 EMs
Larvitar 4 EMs
HA Nidoran (Female or Male)
Rhyhorn 4 EMs
HA Snorlax 1 EM
Turtonator 1 EM (No HA)
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Roggenrola 1 EM
Stufful 4 EMs
Bounsweet 4 EMs
HA Buneary 4 EMs
HA Caterpie (No EMs)
HA Chikorita 4 EMs
HA Cleffa
HA Cutiefly 4 EMs
HA Dratini 4 EMs
HA Eevee 4 EMs
HA Fomantis 4 EMs
HA Goomy 4 EMs
Hoppip 4 EMs
Koffing 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Lickitung 1 EM
HA Mareanie 4 EMs
HA Mawile 4 EMs
Mimikyu 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Oddish
HA Pidgey 4 EMs
HA Ponyta 1 EM
HA Sentret 4 EMs
HA Slowpoke 4 EMs
HA Slugma 4 EMs
HA Snorunt 4 EMs
Stufful 4 EMs
HA Tepig 3 EMs
HA Togepi 2 EMs
HA Totodile 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
HA Carvanha 4 EMs
HA Lapras 4 EMs
HA Magikarp (No EMs)
Oranguru (HA Not Available)
HA Cottonee 4 EMs
Deino 2 EMs (No HA)
HA Eevee 4 EMs
Gastly 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Gligar 4 EMs
Honedge 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Hoothoot 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
Larvitar 4 EMs
HA Mareep 3 EMs
Mimikyu 4 EMs (No HA)
HA Ralts 4 EMs
HA Rockruff 4 EMs
Salandit 4 EMs
Sandygast 4 EMs
HA Slowpoke 4 EMs
HA Sneasel 4 EMs
HA Trevenant
HA Vulpix (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Vulpix (Kanto) 4 EMs
Zubat 4 EMs
HA Houndour 4 EMs
HA Lapras 4 EMs
Larvitar 4 EMs
HA Sandshrew (Alola) 4 EMs
HA Sandshrew (Kanto) 4 EMs
HA Shroomish 4 EMs
HA Trapinch 4 EMs
HA Yanma
HIDDEN ABILITY (Not including the 1s listed in other 'ball' categories):
Abra (LuxuryB, PokeB, or QuickB*)
Deerling 4 EMs (HealB PokeB, PremierB, TimerB*) - Have all Alternate Forms
Espurr 4 EMs (HealB or LuxuryB*)
Fennekin 4 EMs (LuxuryB or PokeB*)
Foongus 4 EMs (GreatB)
Froakie 4 EMs (DiveB, DuskB, LuxuryB or PokeB*)
Geodude - Alola (PokeB)
Goldeen (DuskB)
Heracross 3 EMs (HealB, PokeB, or UltraB*)
Litleo (LuxuryB or PremierB*)
Marill 3 EMs (LuxuryB or QuickB*)
Noibat 2 EMs (DuskB, LuxuryB, or PokeB*)
Pancham 4 EMs (DiveB*)
Petilil (NestB*)
Poochyena 4 EMs (LuxuryB or UltraB*)
Smeargle - No EMs (RepeatB)
Swirlix 3 EMs (LuxuryB or PremierB*)
Tyrunt 4 EMs (PokeB)
NOTE: Pokemon marked w/a * in this list may be specially requested as these other ball types: PokeB, GreatB, UltraB, PremierB, DiveB, DuskB, LuxuryB, HealB, NestB, NetB, RepeatB, QuickB, & TimerB)
BeastB Litten 4 EMs (Also have in 'Legal' PokeB)
BeastB Popplio 4 EMs (Also have in 'Legal' PokeB)
BeastB or PremierB Rowlet 4 EMs (Also have in 'Legal' PokeB)