Aug 20, 2015, 08:06 AM
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Would you care a moment to speak about our lord and savior After You?
After You
Type: Normal
Category: Status
PP: 15 (max 24)
Power —
Accuracy —%
Type: Normal
Category: Status
PP: 15 (max 24)
Power —
Accuracy —%
Bulbapedia Wrote:The target will move next on the current turn, ignoring priority.
- If the target has already moved on the same turn, After You fails.
- If the order remains the same after using After You, After You fails.
After You does not make contact. After You is not affected by Protect, Magic Coat, Snatch, Mirror Move, or King's Rock.
Potential Synergies:
- Negative Priority Moves;
After You can be used to "lift up" the priority of low priority moves like Trick Room, Circle Through, Focus Punch, etc etc.
- Slow Pokemon;
Sometimes the slowest Pokemon are also the hardest hitting. Case in point, Excavalier. Excavalier will, under most circumstances, go last. However, if a fast Pokemon like Lopunny where to use After You, Excavalier will, most likely, go second in the priority bracket, instead of last.
- Smeargle;
While this Pokemon potentially fits the two categories above, there are so many ways Smeargle can benefit from an After You Pokemon. One example is a Smeargle Lopunny lead. Lopunny uses After You, and the Smeargle uses Dark Void, and both opponents fall asleep.
For a complete list of all users including the level of which they learn After You, and how they learn After You, go to this link right here. Go ahead, click it. I can wait.
Notable Users
- Lopunny/Mega Lopunny
Mega Lopunny is the fastest user of After You, and is without a doubt the best. It has a base speed of 135, making it the 12th fastest Pokemon tied with Mega Manetric. Few things outspeed Mega Lopunny, and fewer non-Scarfed Pokemon when Following Battle Spot rules. Lopunny has a base speed of 105.
- Swoobat
Swoobat is the fastest non mega Pokemon, with a base speed of 114, making it the 49th fastest Pokemon.
- Aromatisse
Is your Mega Pokemon fast, but not fast enough to outspeed big threats? Does Trick Room fit your Team? Well, Aromatisse can cover both Trick Room and After You. With a base speed of 29, you will almost always be going first in Trick Room. With the Aroma Veil ability, you cannot be Taunted, and so you can freely use Trick Room to your heart's content.
Final Thoughts
After You is a move that is not used to it's full potential. There are better ways of speed control, and priority of any kind largely makes this move ineffective, but After You is still a powerful move, that, if used correctly, can provide the support a Pokemon needs to win the game.