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Nova's Shiny Shoppe [CLOSED FOREVER]
I'm truely sorry...

I couldn't keep up with the high demands, I get overwelmed and have really bad anxiety... If you still ant to make an offer, then please PM me... Again; I'm really sorry, I just had a really hard time keeping up with the offers...
is it a giveaway
Interested in Shiny Shellos, any specific shinies you looking for?
Metagross (AusLove, Battle Ready) - Two Shinies
Manectric (AusLove, Battle Ready) - Two Shinies
Kangaskhan (Battle Ready) - Two Shinies

il take all 3 of em, also what nature and ability is ur vaporeon?
You have shiny Spritzee?

Vaporeon has the ability Water Absorb, it has a serious nature
waht will give me if i give u shiny sharpedo?
I would adore a Shiny Bulbasaur since he's my favorite Pokémon. Are you interested in weepin bell, or spinda?  Those are my only non-fishing shinies I have caught.
Shiny Arceus
Shiny Diancie 
i'm interested in them. do you have particular shiny you're looking for?

Shellos (East) - One Shiny
Galvantula (Battle Ready) - One Good Shiny

i have shiny clamperl, Axew, Bagon, Timburr, and other shinies. some of them have 5-6 Ivs. i'm willing to trade as long as they are legit.

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