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[ORAS] Custom Vs. Recorder Battle Video Requests!
Just in case you are wondering what I am talking about, just take a look at some of these battle videos:

Requested Videos
Mitchmaster's FFA: CVEW-WWWW-WW2L-P4DQ

MOCK BATTLE The Pokemon World Champions(Senior and Master 6v6):

So, yea I have some control over these battles on your vs recorder. Its a bit limited now what I can do, but using some programs and exploits I can edit certain aspects of these battles.

As for the requests, sorry but it got a little wordy when I was typing it out; I like to try to be as clear as I can. Anyway, I am not always free so you will have to be patient. I will try to have some time every day to check this thread for requests and fulfill them. But before I get to some kind of form, READ THIS to see what I can and cannot do:

  • Freely edit the Battle music to ANY music in the game...or have it mute. I can set it to also turn off all music in the game until you reset if you want to for some reason.
  • Edit the background to any other background(More notes: ALL outside areas that has a changing sky box are glitched. i.e. areas that turn cloudy with weather/ change with day and night. However, the background where you have the final rival battle at night works fine.)
  • Change the battle intro somewhat as seen in the 2nd video(Not tested much, but most crash the game)
  • Change the battle video description to: Link Battle, Battle spot: Free, Battle spot: Rating, Battle Spot: Special, Battle Maison, or some Japanese characters (not really useful)
  • Change Trainer Names. (As long as they are within the standard character Limit)
  • Convert Wifi battles to offline battles.
  • Change your trainer class to ANY from XY and ORAS (See Below)
  • More may be added as I figure things out
  • Change any Pokemon data whatsoever.(That includes types, moves, EVs and IVs, shinys, and the Species)
  • Change the moves selected or the RNG.
  • Gen the Pokemon you want in the battle.
  • Have more than 10 requested battles available for viewing due to the upload limit ingame.
  • Edit videos that you have.
  • More may be added as I receive requests.

So now that you hopefully read those, here is what I will need from you:
  1. Add my 2nd 3DS: 4785-7969-7723 IGN is Justin
  2. Somehow create the team you want to fight with. You can choose to fight against some Pokemon of my own or a team YOU create. You will have to trade over the Pokemon you want my team to have if you want something specific. I will trade them back. Note that you cannot mock battle yourself, so if you want to want have a mock battle against a team of yours, I suggest you make that my team (If you want to mock battle against both teams, you will have to send me both and I can battle against my other 3DS)
  3. Fill this exciting form below for convenience (One video per user)
  4. I'll be on randomly and message you how long I'll be available, so be ready whenever you can. First reply, first serve.
  5. Battle me, then I'll send all your Pokemon back and edit the video. That video will be posted here as soon as its done so everyone else can see it as well.

ALL Opposing Trainer sprites/ models. (VERY long, ignore the numbers :P)

00- Nothing?
01- XY Trainer (F Default)
02- XY Youngster
03- XY Lass
04- XY Gym Leader Viola
05- XY Sky Trainer F
06- XY Sky Trainer M
07- XY Waitress
08- XY Ace Duo
09- XY Ace Trainer F
0A- XY Ace Trainer M
0B- XY Preschooler F
0C- XY Preschooler M
0D- Hex Maniac
0E- XY Lady
0F- XY Beauty
10- XY Rich Boy
11- XY Swimmer M
13- XY Team Flare
14- XY Team Flare
15- XY Team Flare
16- XY Team Flare
17- XY Black Belt
18- XY Tourist F
19- XY Garcon
1A- XY Artist Family
1B- XY Artist M
1C- XY Artist F
1D- XY Scientist F
1E- XY Scientist M
1F- XY Psychic
20- XY Worker (standing)
21- XY Worker (crouched)
22- XY Butler
23- XY elite 4 Drasnei
24- XY Elite 4 Wikstrom
25- XY Elite 4 Malva
26- XY Elite 4 Seibold
27- XY Gym Leader Grant
28- XT Gyn leader Olympia
29- XY Gym Leader Korrina
2A- XY Gym Leader Ramos
2B- XY Gym Leader Wulfric
2C- XY Gym Leader Clemont
2D- XY Gym Leader Valerie
2E- XY Brains and Brawn
2F- Punk guy
30- XY Schoolgirl
31- XY Schoolboy
32- XY Pokefan F
33- XY Pokefan M
34- XY Pokefan Family
35- XY Diantha
36- XY Fisherman
37- XY Friend Shauna
38- XY Tierano
39- XY Friend Trevor
3A- XY Ace Trainer F
3B- XY Ace Trainer M
3C- XY Gardener
3D- XY Backpacker
3E- XY Punk Girl
3F- XY Battle Girl
40- Chatelain (singles)
41- Chatelain (doubles)
42- Chatelain (triples)
43- Chatelain (Rotation)
44- XY Young Tourist F
45- XY Young Tourist M
46- XY Tan Swimmer F
47- Mysterious Sisters
48- XY Twins
49- XY Pink Furisode Girl
4A- XY Blue Furisode Girl
4B- XY Black Furisode Girl
4C- XY White Furisode Girl
4D- XY Team Flare
4E- XY Flare
4F- XY Flare
50- Team Aqua? (No model)
51- XY Team Flare Boss (No model)
52- XY Veteran F
53- XY Veteran M
54- XY Rising Star F
55- XY Rising Star M
56- XY Breeder F
57- XY Breeder M
58- XY Pokemon Ranger F
59- XY Pokemon Ranger M
5A- XY Restaurant Owner
5B- XY Madame
5C- XY Swimmers
5D- XY Monsieur
5E- XY Maid
5F- Fairy Tail Girl
60- XY Hiker
61- XY Honeymooners
62- XY Chef
63- XY Rangers
64- XY Roller Skater F
65- XY Roller Skater M
66- Pokemon trainer?
67- Pokemon Trainer (long load?)
68- Pokemon Trainer (Break background, breaking sound?)
69- Pokemon Proffessor (no model)
6A- XY Punk Couple
6B- XY Team Flare Garcon
6C- XY Team Flare Waitress
6D- Pokemon Trainer (long load)
6E- Pokemon Trainer ?
6F- XY Driver (Punk Guy)
70- XY Driver (Monsieur)
71- XY Driver (Veteran M)
72- XY Lumiouse Gang member (punk Girl)
73- XY Lumiouse gang member (punk guy)
74- XY Suspicious Lady (Beauty)
75- XY Suspicious Woman (Veteran F)
76- XY Suspicious Child (Fairy Tale Girl)
77- XY Pokemon Trainer Malva
78- XY Essentia
79- XY Emma (Essentia)
7A- XY Team Flare
7B- XY Team Flare
7C- XY Team Flare Boss
7D- XY Successor Korrina
7E- XY Gym Leader Korrina


7F- Pokemon Trainer?
80- May
81- Youngster
82- Bug Catcher
83- Lass
84- Aroma Lady
85- Twins
86- Fisherman
87- Schoolkid M
88- Schoolkid F
89- Team Aqua Grunt M
8A- Swimmer M
8B- Swimmer F
8C- Guitarrist
8D- Sailor
8E- Tuber F
8F- Triathelete (Biker)
90- (Biker)
91- Collector
92- Black Belt
93- Battle girl
94- Ace Trainer M
95- Ace Trainer F
96- Lady
97- Rich Boy
98- Breeder M
99- Breeder F
9A- Beauty
9B- The Winstrate's Lass
9C- Hiker
9D- Camper M
9E- Picknicker F
9F- Kindler
A0- Poke Maniac
A1- Expert M
A2- (Youngster)
A3- Bird Keeper
A4- Bug Maniac
A5- Pokemon Ranger M
A6- Pokemon Ranger F
A7- Ninja Boy
A8- Dragon Tamer
A9- Psychic(retest later?)
AA- Psychic
AB- Triathelete Swimmer
AC- (Swimmer)
AD- Interviewers
AE- Archie!
AF- Aqua Admin Matt
B0- Tuber M
B1- Hex Maniac
B2- Maxie!
B3- Magma Grunt M
B4- Magma Admin Tabitha
B5- Aqua Grunt F
B6- Magma Admin Courtney
B7- Magma Grunt F
B8- Parasol Lady
B9- Gentleman
BA- Aqua Admin Shelly
BB- Magma Admin Courtney
BC- Young Couple
BD- Expert F
BE- Triathlete (Runner)
BF- (Runner)
C0- Pokemon Trainer Wally (Awkward)
C1- Sis and Bro
C2- Elite 4 Sidney
C3- Elite 4 Pheobe
C4- Elite 4 Glacedia
C5- Elite 4 Drake
C6- Champion Steven
C7- Pokefan M
C8- Gym Leader Roxanne
C9- Gym Leader Brawly
CA- Gym Leader Watson
CB- Gym Leader Flannery
CC- Gym Leader Norman
CD- Gym Leader Winona
CE- Gym Leaders Liza and Tate
CF- Gym Leader Wallace
D0- Ruin Maniac
D1- The Winstrate's (Expert F)
D2- Teammates
D3- Old Couple
D4- The Winstrate's (Pokefan M)
D5- The Winstrate's (Pokefan F)
D6- Pokefan F
D7- Team Aqua F Horde
D8- Team Magma M Horde
D9- Proprietor (Psychic)
DA- Rotation Girl (Expert F)
DB- Pokemon Trainer Steven
DC- Fairy tale girl
DD- Lorekeeper Zinnia
DE- Backpacker
DF- Brains and Brawn
E0- Scuba Diver M
E1- Scuba Diver F
E2- Mysterious Sisters
E3- Street Thug
E4- Delinquent
E5- Ace Trainer M
E6- Ace Trainer F
E7- Ace Duo
E8- Lizia
E9- Contest May
EA- Contest Brendan
EB- Fare Prince (schoolboy)
EC- Secret Base Expert Aarune
ED- Secret Base Trainer (Hiker)
EE- Secret Base Trainer (Schoolboy)
EF- SBT Black Belt
F0- SBT Poke Maniac
F1- SBT PokeFan
F2- SBT Pokemon Ranger M
F3- SBT Swimmer M
F4- SBT Ace Trainer M
F5- SBT Thug
F6- SBT Expert
F7- SBT Rich Boy
F8- SBT Ninja Boy
F9- SBT Guitarrist
FA- SBT Breeder M
FB- SBT Camper

With O1 after

00- SBT
01- SBT
02- SBT
03- SBT
04- SBT
05- SBT
06- SBT
07- SBT
08- SBT
09- SBT
0B- Pokemon Trainer Zinnia
0C- Sootopolitan Wallace
0E- Contest May
0F- Contest Brendan
10- Confident Wally
11- Elite 4 Sidney
12- Elite 4 Pheobe
13- Elite 4 Glacedia
14- Elite 4 Drake
15- Champion Steven
16- Pokemon Trainer
17- Pokemon Trainer
18- Broken
Notes: This needs more testing, but mock battles with 2d sprites works 100% M is for Male and F is for Female. The names in Parenthesis are to help clarify what sprite it is. Both Wally and Steven have 2D sprites that can be used instead.  All 3D models would have to use a certain intro. All of team Flare's models are removed. There are many duplicates.

Here's that form:

3DS Friend Code and Trainer name: (If its not on your profile)
Pokemon you're sending me: (Either none or a number)
What do I do in battle:
Battle Background:
Battle Music:
Battle Victory Music:
Trainer Names: (My name/ your name)
Battle Intro and Description:
Change the sprites?

EXAMPLES in case I am not clear:

"I want to just battle you with some awesome music and backgrounds!"
[You just start a battle when I get online]
3DS Friend Code and Trainer name: [Left blank if info is under Username]
Pokemon you're sending me: 0
What do I do in battle: Single Battle, Play normally
Battle Background: Maxie Final Battle [Fiery Vortex]
Battle Music: Encounter! Maxie/Archie
Trainer Names: Same
Battle Intro and Description: [This can be left blank]

"I want to look like I was at the World Championships"
[Create and send me the team of Pokemon]
3DS Friend Code and Trainer name:
Pokemon you're sending me: 6
What do I do in battle: Double Battle, Bring 4, battle normally
Battle Background: Pokemon World Championships Finals
Battle Music: Battle! Pokemon World Championships
Trainer Names: ScreenPeekaz, Same
Battle Intro and Description: Description- Link Battle

"I want to fight teams based off of some people with some unusual battle theme"
3DS Friend Code and Trainer name:
Pokemon you're sending me: 12
What do I do in battle: Single Battle, Forfeit so I can mock battle both
Battle Background: Rival Credits Battle
Battle Music: Soaring the Sky at Day
Trainer Names: Person1 and Person2
Battle Intro and Description:

Oh and feel free to ask questions if alllll of these words got you lost or something. I will post updates and the Battle videos on this thread.

Many currently out for a bit so I'll make a request for this when I come back home for sure
wow.... how is this... nvm not gonna question it Kappa
Never Give Up! - Densest Anime Protagonist of the Century

Forum Ninja
(Aug 27, 2015, 03:07 PM)podfighterninja123 Wrote: wow.... how is this... nvm not gonna question it Kappa

My exact reaction! How Justin, how!? O.O
[Insert signature here]
I'll tell you how:

Hax kappa

But anyway, I'm gonna play around with the outside backgrounds to see if I can get those things fixed.
Also I feel like this will be a question:
No, when you battle me it will seem like a regular online battle. This only works through the Vs Recorder.

UPDATE: Just confirmed that the trainer names CAN be customized!
What kind of dark magic is this
A legend fallen from grace.
UPDATE: Added a requested video from the replay and increased the replay cap to 10.
I also found 2 of Wally's themes, the normal wally encounter and his battle theme! Dont no about that other them with the guitar, but oh well.
ALSO added A 6v6 World Champion Battle. So now you can take on the World Champion's teams(albeit controlled by a AI thats not the best) Junior team not included because I cant do a 3 way battle :P
"I simply wish to battle while listening to Secret Super Training."
Pokemon you're sending me: 0
What do I do in battle: OU Double Battle, use 6 Pokemon
Battle Background: Sidney Battle
Battle Music: Secret Super Training
Trainer Names: Unchanged
Battle Intro and Description: Unchanged
(Sep 13, 2015, 03:15 PM)Light of Pyro Wrote: "I simply wish to battle while listening to Secret Super Training."
Pokemon you're sending me: 0
What do I do in battle: OU Double Battle, use 6 Pokemon
Battle Background: Sidney Battle
Battle Music: Secret Super Training
Trainer Names: Unchanged
Battle Intro and Description: Unchanged

So sorry for the delay, I have been busy and distracted.
I'll accept your request now, message me when your ready if it isnt too late. I'll be available most of the time after 4 EST.

UPDATE: I can somewhat convert wifi battles to offline battles, working on switching opposing trainer sprites and other things.
Can somewhat simulate a wild pokemon battle, but pokemon still comes out of the pokeball, and for some reason it shortened the battle.
This stuff needs more testing but I'm slowly making some progress.
Neato Burrito
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017

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