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(Jul 20, 2015, 07:36 PM)Marcusube Wrote:
(Jul 20, 2015, 01:24 PM)MegaGallade475 Wrote: I am building a team around Bisharp.

Bisharp @Chople Berry
Adamant Nature
252 Atk/ 180 SpD/ 76 Hp
Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Knock Off, Protect

Bisharp is a reliable Pokemon, and is most commonly used as an Intimidate counter. With this set, a Timid, 252 SpA Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice is a guaranteed 2-hit KO, even when hitting only Bisharp. It also has a 56.2% chance of surviving an Adamant, 252 Atk Mega Kangaskhan's Drain Punch.

Charizard @Charizardite Y
Mild Nature
Blaze- Drought
252 Hp/ 52 Atk/ 52 SpA/ 152 SpD
Heat Wave, Solar Beam, Protect, Rock Slide

Charizard Y resists (or is immune to) Ground, Fighting, and Fire, all of which Bisharp is weak to. Bisharp also resists Rock, Charizard's main weakness. With this EV spread, Milotic's Max SpA Scald is a guaranteed 2-hit KO, as well as Mega Metagross's Max Atk Zen Headbutt, and Zapdos's Max SpA Thunderbolt.

Venusaur @Black Sludge
Modest Nature
180 Hp/ 252 SpA/ 76 Spe
Solar Beam, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder

I chose Venusaur as the next Pokemon because it resists Fighting, Water, and Electric, and (in my experience) goes well with Mega Charizard Y, mostly because of Drought. Its EVs in Spe + Chlorophyll let it outspeed all non-boosted Pokemon. When not attacking, it can put everything to sleep with Sleep Powder.

Mamoswine @Assault Vest
Adamant Nature
Thick Fat
252 Hp/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
Ice Shard, Rock Slide, Icicle Crash, Earthquake

Mamoswine helps by countering many threats to this team, like Landorus and Heatran. Also it is the only Pokemon on the team without Protect, so it can usually get off Earthquakes safely. It can take many special hits thanks to Assault Vest, but I'm thinking about switching to Choice Scarf to outspeed most things.

Salamence @Salamencite
Adamant Nature
Intimidate- Aerilate
252 Atk/ 4 Def/ 252 Spe
Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Double-Edge, Protect

Salamence resists 3 of the team's main weaknesses so far: Fighting, Fire, and Water. It also Intimidates strong physical attackers, and one hit KOs most fighting types with Double-Edge. It can take most physical hits as well with its surprisingly high defense stat.

Please leave suggestions on what the last Pokemon should be, and any recommendations for these Pokemon.

Friend, please make a separate thread for this. This thread is for a notice, not to get your team rated

How do I make a separate thread? I don't know how.
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