Dec 15, 2014, 02:08 PM (This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2014, 02:09 PM by Eckley.)
@Icey execpt for all the primal Groudon/Kygore and M Ray on a lot of peoples teams. Seriously when I was on it the other day, EVERY team had at least two of these
(Dec 15, 2014, 02:08 PM)Eckley Wrote: @Icey execpt for all the primal Groudon/Kygore and M Ray on a lot of peoples teams. Seriously when I was on it the other day, EVERY team had at least two of these
I don't even mess with free battle on battle spot. Those are all legend wars and nothing else. Rating however has nothing except try hard legends. So cresselia heatran landorus therian with scarf prankster Thundurus ALL of that comes back.
yea i was kinda hoping they were going to ban the likes of landorus etc from vgc i prefer to not see the legendaries since their supposed to be unique and they kinda lose that effect when 90% of teams have 1...