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So i built this team a few hours ago. I like the NU Tier so i just went with it.
My score was : 4:2 (or something like that, didnt count w&l)
It was really fun.
Tbh, i just started again with competetive Pokemon,so i kinda just play whats in front of me, hardly ever predict cause its too risky imo. Sometimes i do and it pays off, sometimes i dont and i get blown back lol. But i like to take risks someone dont normally take. Like staying in with my Aggron against a Poliwrath (was an actual battle i had today, won cause i run max speed).
So here we go:

Aggron @ Choice Band  
Ability: Rock Head  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Head Smash  
- Heavy Slam  
- Superpower  
- Ice Punch  
Aggron is the mon i build this team around. I like him, hes powerful and if i get to click head smash, somethings gonna get blown back.
i wanted to give it levtovers but in the end i took band cause it just hits so hard and kills so many mons cause they dont expect band. for the iv`s , i guess u can get max hp instead of speed but speed saved me some battles today so im gonna keep running speed in the future. moveset just some coverage, maybe instead of the ice punch i take avalanche and take the speed iv into hp what do u guys think?

Scyther @ Eviolite  
Ability: Technician  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- U-turn  
- Aerial Ace  
- Swords Dance  
- Roost  
this was my swellow replacement. had specs swellow but just didnt work. scyther was just so good in the battles i had it. too tanky, too strong. and with roost its just so damn good. i just put ivs into max speed so i outspeed almost everything if its not scarfed, 8 atk (which im gonna change maybe) and rest in hp. maybe some more in atk like 32 cause sometimes i had bad rolls and if i had more iv in atk i would have killed. eviolite just to give it the tankyness it needs. moveset just standart technician, which worked super good.

Charizard @ Life Orb  
Ability: Blaze  
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Fire Blast  
- Air Slash  
- Focus Blast  
- Roost  
i decided to take zard just cause its a solid special attacker. i have aggron which can kill almost anything, and zard takes the rest with its high sp. atk and life orb. lief orb just gives it the power to hit harder, as easy as it might is. moveset just a standart zard, took roost cause i dont have wish and its just a godd recovery move imo. ivs also just standart sp. attacking zard. it got so many kills in my battles.

Liepard @ Heat Rock  
Ability: Prankster  
EVs: 128 HP / 128 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Knock Off  
- U-turn  
- Sunny Day  
- Thunder Wave  
after i put zard in ym team i thought, why not put sunny day on my team too? it stops water mons from one hitting my aggron and zard, and zard can hit even harder. so i just put liepard with a heat rock and sunny day. moveset just to be annyoing tbh. iv spread is a bit meh. i want to run max speed for sure but dont know about the half/half atk and hp. mabye change it to max hp just to make sure i life any hit and can get up my sun.

Vileplume @ Black Sludge  
Ability: Chlorophyll  
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Giga Drain  
- Sludge Bomb  
- Solar Beam  
- Hidden Power [Fire]  
just another strong mon in the sun, chlorophyll so it outspeeds anything in the sun. black sludge for some regeneration, maybe putting specs so it hits harder dont know about it though. solid moveset, giga drain to recover even more, sludge bomb to hit hard and maybe poison, solar beam to one hit kill anything i can lol, and hp fire to surprise people, even stronger if the sun is up. im quiete happy how vileplume performed in the few battles i had. killed a few mons and did good dmg, though i dont know if i should invest in hp and more def cause i would have liked if it survived more hits.

Hitmonchan @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Iron Fist  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Drain Punch  
- Mach Punch  
- Thunder Punch  
- Rapid Spin  
i have scyther and zard so stealth rocks destroy them. and hitmonchan is just an easy out to that. moveset is nothing special, drain punch for stab and iron fist and recovery, mach punch for prio, t-punch just to have some coverage and rapid spin obviously for them hazards. assault vest workes so good on this guy. tanks so many sp. attacker and can hit hard back. i think im gonna give him more hp and defensive ivs though. i liked his damage and he killed some mons i didnt expect him to, but at the same time would have liked if he survived some phisycal hits too and striked back with drain punch.

Im quiete happy with my score after the battles i had. Though i need something for Archeops leads. The 2 matches i lost where vs archeops leads and almost only cause of them setting up stealth rock, u turning and then just playing around my hitmonchan. i can ohko archeops with hitmonchan with t-punch but as i said earlier, it needs to survive an stone edge for example then from an full hp archeops.

Hope u guys can help me with this team and give some good advise. THX  Smile
A majority of this team isn't viable for the current NU metagame. Eviolite Scyther doesn't really synergize with Aggron as both are threatened by the common Electric types, Rock types, Water types and Steel Types, not to mention how with Eviolite, Scyther needs to set up in order to do damage and if Aerial Ace isn't cutting it then you have to resort to U-Turn which pushes up hazard damage taken. Without entry hazard support, Charizard pretty much hits something then gets KOd by it. A good deal of KOs that Charizard need to get require prior chip damage, so for like Focus Blast on Regirock and Rhydon, Air Slash on AV Hitmonchan etc. and having 2 x4 weaknesses to Stealth Rock isn't good either. Liepard will almost always end up as fodder after setting up the Sun plus it's not as effective as Regirock or Mesprit in terms of keeping the sun up as long due to how frail it is. The coverage moves it has doesn't help the team as much as what you have so far is still extremely weak to Ground, Water and Electric types. There are better Chlorophyll sweepers out there such as Exeggutor and Victreebel. Vileplume's horrible base speed doesn't even allow it to outpace scarfers under the sun so Primeape, Jynx, Electivire and Mesprit will always be there to force you out. Hitmonchan not having Ice Punch leaves it walled out by Vileplume alongside Pokemon weak to the attack

I'd do some serious Pokemon swapping because the Pokemon you currently have on this team don't synergize type wise or offensively
To add to marcus, the heat rock liepard seems to be a waste since this team isn't a dedicated sun team, and considering charizard gets solar power which is very powerful, the life orb with blaze isn't making charizard do as well as it could be. If you're concerned about the recoil, you could replace the life orb with an arceus plate, or even an expert belt and have solar power, which can absolutely shred through many of the fire resists available. If you want to use a sun team, great, but you need to drop aggron and eviolite scyther. They don't add much to offensive capability, especially to a sun team, and they both get ruined by aurorus (depending on what aurorus is choice locking itself into) and aggron doesn't like abomasnow much.
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?

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