May 19, 2015, 07:10 PM
Hello everyone! I'm rather new to the website, but I've been a follower of Justin for a while now. I've always wanted to get into competitive battling, and with VGC '15 and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire I'm making a strong push to become good at it! Since I'm new, I don't have much experience building teams or battling, so I decided to ask all of you awesome people for some help :D This is the first team I have built myself, and any help, advice, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
![[Image: 658.gif]](
Greninja @ King's Rock
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 ATK + 252 SPE
Nature: Jolly
When I started thinking of what I wanted my team to be, I decided I wanted something that could set up and really REK my opponent's team, if not sweep it. So, with that in mind, I decided to go with a Mat Block Greninja here. My thought process was that because of Greninja's speed (along with the speed EVs and Jolly nature), he could get off Mat Block more times than not without the opponent moving first. This would allow my booster to get a free boost on turn one. Then I chose Rock Slide for coverage against the likes of Talonflame, Togekiss, Thundurus, etc. Next, I decided on the 3rd move and item, which are Fling and King's Rock. I felt like King's Rock was a solid choice, giving Rock Slide a boosted chance of flinching, and using Fling with King's Rock will also cause a flinch. The last move was kind of a toss up so I just threw Water Shuriken on him because it's a physical move and for the STAB boost.
![[Image: 006-mega-x.gif]](
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 60 HP + 156 ATK + 120 DEF + 172 SPE
The next team member I chose was the booster/potential sweeper to pair alongside Greninja. I chose Mega Charizard X because with a Dragon Dance up, it can OHKO a wide variety of Pokemon with ease. I chose the Adamant nature to boost his attack and minus his unneeded special attack. So the first move I put on him was Dragon Dance. This move, along with a Mat Block from Greninja, would give Charizard a free boost on turn 1, giving him massive attack and speed. The next few moves were for coverage and damage. Dragon Claw and Flare Blitz were obvious choices because they are very powerful moves that also receive STAB boosts, and Steel Wing to give him coverage for fairy and rock types. The EV spread is rather random, as I found it online. I didn't quite know how to spread them, so I researched it and came up with these numbers.
![[Image: 257.gif]](
Blazziken @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP + 252 ATK + 252 SPE
After I chose my booster and protector, I made an interesting choice for this team. I chose Blaziken because of its Speed Boost ability and the fact that it can learn Baton Pass. The Focus Sash ensures that he'll get at least +1 to speed, as Blaziken isn't the most defensive Pokemon out there. The choice was made with the thought process of wanting another lead option to counter Fake Out Pokemon that could REK Greninja's Mat Block setup. Blaziken is one of my favorite Pokemon, and I think that the opportunity to boost speed every turn, along with attack and defense with Bulk Up, would be HUGE to Baton Pass to Mega Charizard X and create a possible sweep scenario. The EVs for this one were simple; I wanted him to be fast and hit hard, with a little help in HP as well.
![[Image: 237.gif]](
Hitmontop @ Lum Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Impish
EVs: 244 HP + 132 DEF + 132 SpD
I chose Hitmontop next to be the Quick Guard user to pair along with Blaziken as a potential lead duo and Fake Out stopper. I didn't have much knowledge of Quick Guard users, so I chose Hitmontop largely because of Justin's daily World Championship Practice videos :D I went with Impish and Intimidate to raise my defense and lower their attack, as I wanted to make him as bulky as possible so that he could take a hit, setup Quick Guard, and maybe get a hit or two in. So I chose Quick Guard to stop those nasty Fake Outs, Feint to try and predict those Protects and still deal damage, Fake Out so he has value coming back in to the battle and shutting someone down, and Close Combat for a strong STAB fighting move. The EV spread reflects the fact that I want him to be bulky, as I went with HP and a balance between defense and special defense. I chose a Lum Berry to keep him from getting burned or paralyzed etc., and because I chose to put a Sitrus Berry on a later Pokemon on my team.
![[Image: 036.gif]](
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP + 200 DEF + 56 SpD
At this point, I knew I had a lot of attacking potential, so I decided I needed a tanky Pokemon. So i chose to have Clefable due to its high HP and defensive stats. I gave it Follow Me so it could draw attention away from Blaziken and Greninja who aren't very defensively strong, Icy Wind to deal damage AND lower the opponent's speed, Thunder Wave to lower the opponent's speed and possibly get the paralysis hax, and Protect for lasting power. I gave it the EVs I did to try and make it a tank and balance her Defense and Special Defense, and the Bold nature to boost Defense. This one I'm not so sure about as a member of the team, but it has proven to provide some crucial speed drops and attention drawing.
![[Image: 642.gif]](
Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 180 HP + 164 DEF + 164 SpD
Last but not least, I chose to have Thundurus as he has the Prankster ability that can setup status effects and has some relatively good bulk. I gave it the Sitrus Berry to gain HP once he gets taken down under 50%, and Bold nature to boost defense, because he isn't much of a physical attacker.I have Thunder Wave and Taunt to make my opponent be slower and keep them from using status moves on me, and the Thunderbolt for damage output and STAB boost. The last move was and still is a mystery to me; I'm not sure what else to run it with. At the moment I have it running Protect, but I'm not sure that is the best move.
Thank you to everyone for taking time to read this write up and for helping me improve my team and my competitive battling skills as a whole! Stay awesome everybody
P.S. Hey Justin, feel free to use this team in your World Championship Practices homie kappa
![[Image: 658.gif]](
Greninja @ King's Rock
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 ATK + 252 SPE
Nature: Jolly
- Mat Block
- Rock Slide
- Water Shuriken
- Fling
When I started thinking of what I wanted my team to be, I decided I wanted something that could set up and really REK my opponent's team, if not sweep it. So, with that in mind, I decided to go with a Mat Block Greninja here. My thought process was that because of Greninja's speed (along with the speed EVs and Jolly nature), he could get off Mat Block more times than not without the opponent moving first. This would allow my booster to get a free boost on turn one. Then I chose Rock Slide for coverage against the likes of Talonflame, Togekiss, Thundurus, etc. Next, I decided on the 3rd move and item, which are Fling and King's Rock. I felt like King's Rock was a solid choice, giving Rock Slide a boosted chance of flinching, and using Fling with King's Rock will also cause a flinch. The last move was kind of a toss up so I just threw Water Shuriken on him because it's a physical move and for the STAB boost.
![[Image: 006-mega-x.gif]](
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 60 HP + 156 ATK + 120 DEF + 172 SPE
- Dragon Dance
- Steel Wing
- Dragon Claw
- Flare Blitz
The next team member I chose was the booster/potential sweeper to pair alongside Greninja. I chose Mega Charizard X because with a Dragon Dance up, it can OHKO a wide variety of Pokemon with ease. I chose the Adamant nature to boost his attack and minus his unneeded special attack. So the first move I put on him was Dragon Dance. This move, along with a Mat Block from Greninja, would give Charizard a free boost on turn 1, giving him massive attack and speed. The next few moves were for coverage and damage. Dragon Claw and Flare Blitz were obvious choices because they are very powerful moves that also receive STAB boosts, and Steel Wing to give him coverage for fairy and rock types. The EV spread is rather random, as I found it online. I didn't quite know how to spread them, so I researched it and came up with these numbers.
![[Image: 257.gif]](
Blazziken @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP + 252 ATK + 252 SPE
- Baton Pass
- Flare Blitz
- Low Kick
- Bulk Up
After I chose my booster and protector, I made an interesting choice for this team. I chose Blaziken because of its Speed Boost ability and the fact that it can learn Baton Pass. The Focus Sash ensures that he'll get at least +1 to speed, as Blaziken isn't the most defensive Pokemon out there. The choice was made with the thought process of wanting another lead option to counter Fake Out Pokemon that could REK Greninja's Mat Block setup. Blaziken is one of my favorite Pokemon, and I think that the opportunity to boost speed every turn, along with attack and defense with Bulk Up, would be HUGE to Baton Pass to Mega Charizard X and create a possible sweep scenario. The EVs for this one were simple; I wanted him to be fast and hit hard, with a little help in HP as well.
![[Image: 237.gif]](
Hitmontop @ Lum Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Impish
EVs: 244 HP + 132 DEF + 132 SpD
- Quick Guard
- Close Combat
- Feint
- Fake Out
I chose Hitmontop next to be the Quick Guard user to pair along with Blaziken as a potential lead duo and Fake Out stopper. I didn't have much knowledge of Quick Guard users, so I chose Hitmontop largely because of Justin's daily World Championship Practice videos :D I went with Impish and Intimidate to raise my defense and lower their attack, as I wanted to make him as bulky as possible so that he could take a hit, setup Quick Guard, and maybe get a hit or two in. So I chose Quick Guard to stop those nasty Fake Outs, Feint to try and predict those Protects and still deal damage, Fake Out so he has value coming back in to the battle and shutting someone down, and Close Combat for a strong STAB fighting move. The EV spread reflects the fact that I want him to be bulky, as I went with HP and a balance between defense and special defense. I chose a Lum Berry to keep him from getting burned or paralyzed etc., and because I chose to put a Sitrus Berry on a later Pokemon on my team.
![[Image: 036.gif]](
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP + 200 DEF + 56 SpD
- Follow Me
- Icy Wind
- Thunder Wave
- Protect
At this point, I knew I had a lot of attacking potential, so I decided I needed a tanky Pokemon. So i chose to have Clefable due to its high HP and defensive stats. I gave it Follow Me so it could draw attention away from Blaziken and Greninja who aren't very defensively strong, Icy Wind to deal damage AND lower the opponent's speed, Thunder Wave to lower the opponent's speed and possibly get the paralysis hax, and Protect for lasting power. I gave it the EVs I did to try and make it a tank and balance her Defense and Special Defense, and the Bold nature to boost Defense. This one I'm not so sure about as a member of the team, but it has proven to provide some crucial speed drops and attention drawing.
![[Image: 642.gif]](
Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 180 HP + 164 DEF + 164 SpD
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Taunt
- Protect?
Last but not least, I chose to have Thundurus as he has the Prankster ability that can setup status effects and has some relatively good bulk. I gave it the Sitrus Berry to gain HP once he gets taken down under 50%, and Bold nature to boost defense, because he isn't much of a physical attacker.I have Thunder Wave and Taunt to make my opponent be slower and keep them from using status moves on me, and the Thunderbolt for damage output and STAB boost. The last move was and still is a mystery to me; I'm not sure what else to run it with. At the moment I have it running Protect, but I'm not sure that is the best move.
Thank you to everyone for taking time to read this write up and for helping me improve my team and my competitive battling skills as a whole! Stay awesome everybody

P.S. Hey Justin, feel free to use this team in your World Championship Practices homie kappa