May 11, 2015, 02:47 PM
I've currently been rocking this team online and have even gotten a 3/2 win ratio in a tournament with it recently. But I wanna know what people think about it and if they have any advice on how to improve it.
PKMN: Gardevoir
Nature: Timid
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Gardevoirite
Moves: Hyper Voice - Psyshock - Energy Ball - Protect
PKMN: Suicine
Nature: Timid
Ability: Pressure
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Tailwind - Hydro Pump - Ice Beam - Protect
PKMN: Thundurus
Nature: Timid
Ability: Prankster
Item: n/a (undecided)
Moves: Thunder Wave - Thundebolt - Taunt - Protect
PKMN: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
Item: n/a (undecided)
Moves: Flare Blitz - Helping Hand - Extreme Speed - Protect
PKMN: Garchomp
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Sand Veil (Though I plan to swap out this Garchomp for one with Rough Skin.)
Item: Focus Sash
Moves: Earthquake - Dragon Claw - Rock Slide - Protect
PKMN: Bisharp
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Defiant
Item: Life Orb
Moves: Knock Off - Sucker Punch - Iron Head - Protect
I'm kind of unsure what to put on Arcanine and Thundurus. Sitrus Berry would be perfect for both of them, but since I can't run two of the same item, it's confusing to me which Pokemon should have which item. I'm leaning towards giving a Sitrus to Arcanine and giving Thundurus either Safety Goggles or even an Enigma Berry, but I feel like I could use a second opinion on this. And, for those wondering, Thundurus and Arcanine ran Sitrus and Enigma respectively during that one tournament I entered them in.
And, as you can probably tell, this team is basically about gimping the Speed of the opponent and setting up Tailwind to help Gardevoir become a threat to enemies that would likely OHKO her normally because they simply out-speed her. I placed Energy Ball on Gardevoir after coming across a lot of Mega-Swamperts early on after ORAS's release. I guess it just kinda stuck.
Lemme know what you guys think. What can I improve on? What can I swap out? What should I give to who? All that good stuff.
Thanks in advance,

PKMN: Gardevoir
Nature: Timid
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Gardevoirite
Moves: Hyper Voice - Psyshock - Energy Ball - Protect
PKMN: Suicine
Nature: Timid
Ability: Pressure
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Tailwind - Hydro Pump - Ice Beam - Protect
PKMN: Thundurus
Nature: Timid
Ability: Prankster
Item: n/a (undecided)
Moves: Thunder Wave - Thundebolt - Taunt - Protect
PKMN: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
Item: n/a (undecided)
Moves: Flare Blitz - Helping Hand - Extreme Speed - Protect
PKMN: Garchomp
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Sand Veil (Though I plan to swap out this Garchomp for one with Rough Skin.)
Item: Focus Sash
Moves: Earthquake - Dragon Claw - Rock Slide - Protect
PKMN: Bisharp
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Defiant
Item: Life Orb
Moves: Knock Off - Sucker Punch - Iron Head - Protect
I'm kind of unsure what to put on Arcanine and Thundurus. Sitrus Berry would be perfect for both of them, but since I can't run two of the same item, it's confusing to me which Pokemon should have which item. I'm leaning towards giving a Sitrus to Arcanine and giving Thundurus either Safety Goggles or even an Enigma Berry, but I feel like I could use a second opinion on this. And, for those wondering, Thundurus and Arcanine ran Sitrus and Enigma respectively during that one tournament I entered them in.
And, as you can probably tell, this team is basically about gimping the Speed of the opponent and setting up Tailwind to help Gardevoir become a threat to enemies that would likely OHKO her normally because they simply out-speed her. I placed Energy Ball on Gardevoir after coming across a lot of Mega-Swamperts early on after ORAS's release. I guess it just kinda stuck.
Lemme know what you guys think. What can I improve on? What can I swap out? What should I give to who? All that good stuff.
Thanks in advance,