So its been awhile right? Like me posting a team here, people reading about it and saying how bleh it is. Well I hate to inform all of you its that time to hear my ramblings. To be honest, I'm not well versed in VGC 17, though heck no one is. The format is new and many players are just coming back after the dry spell of VGC 16 with all the unrestricted Pokemon. For this format, Megas were banned, but we do have strong contenders like the Tapus and Ultras who are powerful under their own right. Z-Moves have been a major influence in this format as akin to the Gems from the Black and White era, though somewhat restricted. Still one well timed Z-Move or use of it can sway the battle directly to one's favor, so most teams tend to carry one for their best attackers. The past few weeks was mostly me laddering on Showdown in anticipation of the new format. Though I don't have my teams ready in-game aside one, at least Showdown is a decent Substitute for now. Will say there's plenty of room for experimentation and testing at the moment, but its almost like a free for all.
Of course, we are going to get out "Standard Big 6" or generic team for this format however one views it, though I normally try my best to work around the format. Yes while this is all early as hell in the format, want to see what people have to say about this team in particular. The team featured here was originally based around Celesteela, Gastrodon, Tapu Bulu, Salamence, Alolan Muk, and Alolan Marowak though the will admit I change the last two mons to be exactly like Baris Akros (Billa)'s VGC team he used at the Intercontinental Championship at London. Yes this is Billa's team, but a solid one that is. Certain its not like 100% his team, but can see the potential to refurbish certain team members however you chose.
Of course, we are going to get out "Standard Big 6" or generic team for this format however one views it, though I normally try my best to work around the format. Yes while this is all early as hell in the format, want to see what people have to say about this team in particular. The team featured here was originally based around Celesteela, Gastrodon, Tapu Bulu, Salamence, Alolan Muk, and Alolan Marowak though the will admit I change the last two mons to be exactly like Baris Akros (Billa)'s VGC team he used at the Intercontinental Championship at London. Yes this is Billa's team, but a solid one that is. Certain its not like 100% his team, but can see the potential to refurbish certain team members however you chose.
So the team. To start out, last week I tested out a core between Celesteela and Gastrodon and found out how strong a "defensive" core it was. Gastrodon can deal with Fire- and Electric-type Pokemon with it STABs while Celesteela can wall out any Grass-type thanks to its quadruple resistance to Grass-types. As an added bonus, Gastrodon's Storm Drain can block out most single target Water-type moves like Scald for Celesteela, which players tend to use to get burns. If anything, this was the main basis for the team as these two do a great job in walling out Pokemon for the endgame. At this point, we all know what Celesteela can do with its overall bulk and ability to stall out opposing mons better than Ferrothorn can in the endgame scenarios. As long as Gastrodon can keep most threats in check, Celesteela has the potential to wall out most mons in the format.
For my Fire-type, originally Alolan Marowak was here to aid in beating Electric-types such as Tapu Koko and Alola Raichu, however it seems too frail to perform this task. Course realizing now, Alolan Marowak thrives in a semi-Trick Room setting, however most threats are either going to faster than it naturally, or just have a TR speed to underspeed in that field condition. In short chances were likely Alolan Marowak would die before getting some major damage, or at least preventing major single target Electric-type attacks off. In essence, Defensive Arcanine was a decent replace not only to aid in beating potential Celesteela matchups with Wisp + Fire STAB, but can utilize Intimidate to give both my other mons extra turns.
Tapu Bulu and Salamence were added there to complete the duo FWG and Steel Dragon Fairy Triage core, but note there's some room for improvement. In terms of "heavy" attackers, the team was missing some and what better physical attacker to add than Tapu Bulu. For those who don't know what Tapu Bulu does, it basically activates Grassy Terrains which gives 1/16th recovery for all "grounded" Pokemon and gives Bulu an effective "Choice" boost to its Grass-type attacks. Given that most of the team is grounded, they essentially get a semi Leftovers with the item choice selection for a few turns, unless a Tapu switches in. Salamence was originally used a a Choice Specs variant popularized by Cybertron, but another cool idea from LegacyVGC was Dragonium Z Salamence, which essentially give Mence a one-time Specs Draco without the drop.
The finally member of the team was added as Gigalith and shamelessly stolen, but I do like the idea here. To explain Gigalith received the Sand Stream ability, which can serve as a poor man's Tyranitar in the format. Gigalith has the attack power of 135 and the bulk (85/130/80) to maintain itself for most of the matchups and combat Sun/Hail teams with its Sand Stream ability. Note the special defense boost allows Gigalith to tank some special hits better than usual and can function as a bulky attacker for the team. On a final note, the pure Rock-type can be useful to handle some Poison-, Fire-, Ice-, and Flying-type Pokemon, though again Gigalith can't do everything.
So that's it about the background. Did use about 4/6th of the team before seeing Billa pilot it on stream which intrigued me. Definitely give shout to him and all the top players this last weekend as they are do indirectly help me in some fashion with just ideas or trends. Do feel like some of the moveslot selection on my end can be substitute (pun not intended) for better options or however one please. Alright with that said, here's the team (Note mons were swapped to match types).
For my Fire-type, originally Alolan Marowak was here to aid in beating Electric-types such as Tapu Koko and Alola Raichu, however it seems too frail to perform this task. Course realizing now, Alolan Marowak thrives in a semi-Trick Room setting, however most threats are either going to faster than it naturally, or just have a TR speed to underspeed in that field condition. In short chances were likely Alolan Marowak would die before getting some major damage, or at least preventing major single target Electric-type attacks off. In essence, Defensive Arcanine was a decent replace not only to aid in beating potential Celesteela matchups with Wisp + Fire STAB, but can utilize Intimidate to give both my other mons extra turns.
Tapu Bulu and Salamence were added there to complete the duo FWG and Steel Dragon Fairy Triage core, but note there's some room for improvement. In terms of "heavy" attackers, the team was missing some and what better physical attacker to add than Tapu Bulu. For those who don't know what Tapu Bulu does, it basically activates Grassy Terrains which gives 1/16th recovery for all "grounded" Pokemon and gives Bulu an effective "Choice" boost to its Grass-type attacks. Given that most of the team is grounded, they essentially get a semi Leftovers with the item choice selection for a few turns, unless a Tapu switches in. Salamence was originally used a a Choice Specs variant popularized by Cybertron, but another cool idea from LegacyVGC was Dragonium Z Salamence, which essentially give Mence a one-time Specs Draco without the drop.
The finally member of the team was added as Gigalith and shamelessly stolen, but I do like the idea here. To explain Gigalith received the Sand Stream ability, which can serve as a poor man's Tyranitar in the format. Gigalith has the attack power of 135 and the bulk (85/130/80) to maintain itself for most of the matchups and combat Sun/Hail teams with its Sand Stream ability. Note the special defense boost allows Gigalith to tank some special hits better than usual and can function as a bulky attacker for the team. On a final note, the pure Rock-type can be useful to handle some Poison-, Fire-, Ice-, and Flying-type Pokemon, though again Gigalith can't do everything.
So that's it about the background. Did use about 4/6th of the team before seeing Billa pilot it on stream which intrigued me. Definitely give shout to him and all the top players this last weekend as they are do indirectly help me in some fashion with just ideas or trends. Do feel like some of the moveslot selection on my end can be substitute (pun not intended) for better options or however one please. Alright with that said, here's the team (Note mons were swapped to match types).
The Team
![[Image: celesteela.png]](
Celesteela @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 164 HP / 68 Atk / 108 Def / 124 SpD / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Protect
- OHKOs up to 252 HP / 108 Def Tapu Lele.
- Lives Jolly Arcanine's Flare Blitz 100% of the time.
-Lives Modest / Timid Tapu Koko's Thunderbolt without Electric Terrain
-Xurketree's Thunderbolt has a 18.8% chance to OHKO
-Speed Creeps opposing Celesteela
Not going to lie. Celesteela's is the unfaithful creation of Ferrothorn and Skarmory's one night stand and here we are. In all seriousness, Celesteela has established itself as one of the best, if not best defensive Steel-type Pokemon I've seen rivaling up there with Aegislash, though not as offensive. This thing can and will wall any unprepared teams that aren't able to break the Substitutes and stalled out of from Leech Seed recovery. Honestly I don't know what drug or meds Game Freak's developmental staff was on giving a Steel/Flying-type that doesn't resemble a tree or a plant Leech Seed. Anyways this set is somewhat standard by now, but we have Substitute, Leech Seed, Heavy Slam, and Protect. Substitute with Celesteela's overall bulk is rather strong. Heavy Slam from this 2204.4 pound Pokemon is going to hurt, especially factoring STAB.
The goal of this set is to SubSeed stall the opponent with the assistance of other teammates to get in position for the endgame. Once the opposing Pokemon's HP is low enough, Celesteela can knock them out to get an Attack raise from its "Beast Boost" ability, which turn into a formidable tank. Note to always keep Celesteela healthy at all times, unless its not needed for the endgame with other win cons. There have been games were I'm usually play for the Celesteela Mirror as either Arcanine or Gastrodon attempts to get a burn on the opposing plant-metal thing alien so my own can beat it 1v1 late game. Gradual Leech Seed and Leftovers recovery helps Celesteela keeps itself alive throughout the battle and at times stall out even two opposing Pokemon under the right conditions.
To be honest, there wasn't a particular EV spread I'd use, rather to give it a good HP value so Celesteela can setup 4 Subs if that situation happens. Celesteela is Adamant nature with a higher attack stat to ensure the Beast Boost will always increase attack, unless a stat drop occurs. For those might be wonder, "Oh Celesteela isn't that good" or "I HATE CELESTEELA F%%%%), well I got good news and bad news for you. Get use to it as this mon will be around for awhile. Not saying Celesteela is the best mon in the format, though I feel it like up there, its usage will eventually drop later on.
In order to support Celesteela's main goal of walling opposing Pokemon while dealing residual damage, well we turn to the next two Mons.
The goal of this set is to SubSeed stall the opponent with the assistance of other teammates to get in position for the endgame. Once the opposing Pokemon's HP is low enough, Celesteela can knock them out to get an Attack raise from its "Beast Boost" ability, which turn into a formidable tank. Note to always keep Celesteela healthy at all times, unless its not needed for the endgame with other win cons. There have been games were I'm usually play for the Celesteela Mirror as either Arcanine or Gastrodon attempts to get a burn on the opposing plant-metal thing alien so my own can beat it 1v1 late game. Gradual Leech Seed and Leftovers recovery helps Celesteela keeps itself alive throughout the battle and at times stall out even two opposing Pokemon under the right conditions.
To be honest, there wasn't a particular EV spread I'd use, rather to give it a good HP value so Celesteela can setup 4 Subs if that situation happens. Celesteela is Adamant nature with a higher attack stat to ensure the Beast Boost will always increase attack, unless a stat drop occurs. For those might be wonder, "Oh Celesteela isn't that good" or "I HATE CELESTEELA F%%%%), well I got good news and bad news for you. Get use to it as this mon will be around for awhile. Not saying Celesteela is the best mon in the format, though I feel it like up there, its usage will eventually drop later on.
In order to support Celesteela's main goal of walling opposing Pokemon while dealing residual damage, well we turn to the next two Mons.
![[Image: gastrodon-west.png]](
Gastrodon @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 140 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Protect
- Modest Tapu Lele's Psychic from Psychic Terrian has a 8.2% chance to 2HKO with Sitrus Berry recovery
-LO Jolly Garchomp's EQ has a 3.9% chance to 2HKO with Sitrus Berry recovery
-Lives Tectonic Rage (Groundium Z EQ) from Garchomp 100% of the time.
- Intimidated Alolan Marowak's Shadow Bone is a 3HKO with Sitrus Berry Recovery
Honestly Gastrodon is one of the most underrated Pokemon used at the moment and will definitely see some usage in the future. So why have Gastrodon on this team unlike most other Water-, or Ground-type. Well first...why not both? Second, thing about Gastrodon is it covers two over Celesteela's major weaknesses in Electric-, and Fire-type while blocking all single target Water-type attack against it. If you think about it, Gastrodon is a decent response to some of the core pairs we've seen lately such as Gyarados + Alolan Marowak, or Arcanine + Milotic which can effectively wear them down. Now in terms of moveset, Scald is the STAB of choice for all Bulky Water-type Pokemon to burn crap, so not much there. Earthquake is Gastrodon's secondary STAB to hit opposing Electric-, Rock-, Poison-, or Fire-type Pokemon for heavy damage, but won't necessarily OHKO.
Now aside the obvious "protect", we have here Toxic on Gastrodon as the last moveslot. Anyone might be wondering why Toxic over something such as Ice Beam? Well think about it this way. How can we improve Celesteela and the rest of my team's odds of dealing damage against my opponent over time? Toxic is just a modes to progressively inflict HP every turn against bulk Pokemon such as Milotic, Arcanine, Porygon2, Politoed, and yes even enemy Gastrodons. If the Water/Ground slug manages to Toxic Poison many target that Celesteela can virtually wall, it can pretty much spell doom for my opponent as ....yes I can stall them out. Some people don't like Stall, but with the new timer changes, I do see the potential of defensive play in this format so it everyone's game.
Regarding what Gastrodon can do in terms of defensive positioning, it can essentially be used as a switch in for all Water- and Electric-type attacks inbound. There isn't much Gastrodon can do in terms of "offense" aside deal super effective damage with its STABs and just Toxic stuff around. Do have to weary about Gastrodon's HP at times as it doesn't have Recovery to replenish its HP and can be taken out over time. Gastrodon is usually a primary Pokemon to face opposing Weather teams such as Rain, Sand, and Sun teams as it has the tools deal with the primary weather setter / sweeper. In all, Gastrodon is a unique defensive Pokemon who paired with Celesteela can only be called Satan... JK.
Now aside the obvious "protect", we have here Toxic on Gastrodon as the last moveslot. Anyone might be wondering why Toxic over something such as Ice Beam? Well think about it this way. How can we improve Celesteela and the rest of my team's odds of dealing damage against my opponent over time? Toxic is just a modes to progressively inflict HP every turn against bulk Pokemon such as Milotic, Arcanine, Porygon2, Politoed, and yes even enemy Gastrodons. If the Water/Ground slug manages to Toxic Poison many target that Celesteela can virtually wall, it can pretty much spell doom for my opponent as ....yes I can stall them out. Some people don't like Stall, but with the new timer changes, I do see the potential of defensive play in this format so it everyone's game.
Regarding what Gastrodon can do in terms of defensive positioning, it can essentially be used as a switch in for all Water- and Electric-type attacks inbound. There isn't much Gastrodon can do in terms of "offense" aside deal super effective damage with its STABs and just Toxic stuff around. Do have to weary about Gastrodon's HP at times as it doesn't have Recovery to replenish its HP and can be taken out over time. Gastrodon is usually a primary Pokemon to face opposing Weather teams such as Rain, Sand, and Sun teams as it has the tools deal with the primary weather setter / sweeper. In all, Gastrodon is a unique defensive Pokemon who paired with Celesteela can only be called Satan... JK.
![[Image: arcanine.png]](
ALOE VERA PUPPER (Arcanine) @ Firium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 236 HP / 4 Def / 4 SpA / 12 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Overheat
- Will-O-Wisp
- Snarl
- Morning Sun / Protect
- Outspeed and Speed Tied up to base 95 speed.
- Survives Modest Tapu Lele's Psychic
-Survives Modest LO Tapu Koko's Thunderbolt
ALOHA COUSINS! Its come to my attention that there's been a sighting of Aloe Vera Puppers around here, but yet I can't find them. Well I'll talk about what Aloe Vera Pup can do for this team. Honeslty Aloe Vera Pupper isn't just a dog, but also a semi automatic raging quitting and pooping machine (JK maybe not on the last one). Careful not to get this Aloe Vera upset, or it will get angry at its opponent and Overheat just like my useless laptop. Even so, Aloe Vera has a magic crystal in its dog collar to abuse Inferno Overdrive for at least one turn and litter your garden into roaster turkey. If you don't happen to pet this pupper, it might start to Snarling since it hasn't been given proper attention all day. Careful not to give this doggo tantrums, for it will get tired of itseld and its fire attacks will decrease drastically. Hell this Doggy might give you some 2nd or 3rd Degree burns if you don't pet him well or don't feed him all day. Aloe Vera Puppers are really majestic creatures, though sometimes it can be intimidating to look at its beauty even from two Pokemon on the field. NO... SERIOUSLY, WHO THE HELL WOULD WANT TO HURT THIS ALOE VERA PUPPER. Better yet... WHO doesn't like Doggos? Like all you have to do is just give it some food, pet him everyday, don't make him too upset unless you want to lose the home...etc. Here's some good advice, always give Aloe Vera Puppers a good morning walk in the sun as they'll fee much better about themselves. Give this Aloe Vera Pupper some morning walks, except when there's a sandstorm brewing and you question yourself why aren't I protect this Doggo from having sand all over its fur.
In context, this Aloe Vera Pupper has a ton of HP and Speed since I've been giving it too much Puppy Chow (because I want Pup to stay as a Pupper) and now always chases me around for food. Some of Aloe Vera's best friends include Gastrodon and Celesteela for a number of reason probably not related to Cats, but here goes. See Aloe Vera Pupper like to takes bath, but hates random hose sprays from every now and then. At least Gastrodon can handle any incoming liquids coming onto its way and redirect it somewhere safe, maybe even its own water bowl. In turn, Aloe Vera Puppers can burn up any leafs and trees around which make Gastrodon self conscious about itself. Aloe Vera Pupper is even good friends with an Alien plant-thing as they converse to each other about their goals and dreams. They've been such good friends that Celesteela is willing to protect the pupper of anyone who throws rocks at the pupper, or give it a lift when pupper senses an earthquake incoming. In return, Aloe Vera Pupper will burn anyone with dare tries to fight Celesteela and help Celesteela with some gardening even just planting some seeds.
See thing about Aloe Vera Puppers is they are extremely loyal to not only me, but also to their own friends. From my experience, Aloe Veras will stand up to their friends and even take some weak punk Pokemon. Hell Aloe Vera Pupper has gotten so use to defending its friends now any Pokemon feel don't feel confident with their own attempts. It will come along with on some walks, burn some stuff, burn more stuff, maybe Snarl at people, or even AGAIN Aloe Vera Puppers are majestic magical Yo Kai who if you take care of him and his friends well, then he's willing to standout to what's evil in this world.
Then again Aloe Vera Puppers might not exist but I believe in Santa!
In context, this Aloe Vera Pupper has a ton of HP and Speed since I've been giving it too much Puppy Chow (because I want Pup to stay as a Pupper) and now always chases me around for food. Some of Aloe Vera's best friends include Gastrodon and Celesteela for a number of reason probably not related to Cats, but here goes. See Aloe Vera Pupper like to takes bath, but hates random hose sprays from every now and then. At least Gastrodon can handle any incoming liquids coming onto its way and redirect it somewhere safe, maybe even its own water bowl. In turn, Aloe Vera Puppers can burn up any leafs and trees around which make Gastrodon self conscious about itself. Aloe Vera Pupper is even good friends with an Alien plant-thing as they converse to each other about their goals and dreams. They've been such good friends that Celesteela is willing to protect the pupper of anyone who throws rocks at the pupper, or give it a lift when pupper senses an earthquake incoming. In return, Aloe Vera Pupper will burn anyone with dare tries to fight Celesteela and help Celesteela with some gardening even just planting some seeds.
See thing about Aloe Vera Puppers is they are extremely loyal to not only me, but also to their own friends. From my experience, Aloe Veras will stand up to their friends and even take some weak punk Pokemon. Hell Aloe Vera Pupper has gotten so use to defending its friends now any Pokemon feel don't feel confident with their own attempts. It will come along with on some walks, burn some stuff, burn more stuff, maybe Snarl at people, or even AGAIN Aloe Vera Puppers are majestic magical Yo Kai who if you take care of him and his friends well, then he's willing to standout to what's evil in this world.
Then again Aloe Vera Puppers might not exist but I believe in Santa!
![[Image: gigalith.png]](
Gigalith @ Rockium Z
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Atk / 4 Def / 124 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Slide
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Protect
-OHKOs 252 HP / 4 HP Tapu Lele With Heavy Slam
-OHKOs standard Arcanine, Gyarados, and Salamence with Continental Crush after Intimidate
- LO Tapu Koko has a 17.2% chance to 2HKO in the sand
At first, kinda ignored Gigalith for most of the early format (well not entirely), but after seeing how well it can play against opposing weather that's not Rain, well I'd at least gave it a shot. Some people might not know this, but Gigalith got a substantial buff with the Sand Stream ability to not only setup Sand, but also give it a 50% Special Defense boost. Pair this with its 85 HP / 130 Def / 80 SpDef + all the Intimidate pressuring going around then Gigalith will likely stick around for several turns. For the item choice, Rockium Z is rather interesting given how Rock-types "lack" a strong Rock-type move to abuse that's doesn't have the best accuracy. With Rockium Z, Continental Crush even at minus 1 can OHKO opposing Gyarados, Arcanine, and Salamence who are three share a Rock-type weakness. Rock Slide is Gigalith's main STAB for most mons though don't expect it to Flinch stuff, unless under Trick Room. Earthquake is still a great coverage move to have with all the Fire-, Poison-, Steel-, and Electric-type Pokemon running around these days. Finally Heavy Slam is for the Fairies, and even OHKO Comfey, Mimikyu, Tapu Lele with it.
When using Gigalith, I'd have to consider whether it stick around for much of the battle to get off its attacks. In terms of the weather matchup, Gigalith + Gastrodon can do decently well against opposing Oranguru + Torkoal teams as the Sand will block the increase and prevent Torkoal from using Solar Beam. Opposing Hail teams usually contend with Gigalith + Arcanine to maintain Sand, while pupper can threaten both targets. One last thing to note is Sand Stream damage can help rack up residual against my opponents just like I have Leech Seed, Wisp, Toxic, and other utility options on this team.
When using Gigalith, I'd have to consider whether it stick around for much of the battle to get off its attacks. In terms of the weather matchup, Gigalith + Gastrodon can do decently well against opposing Oranguru + Torkoal teams as the Sand will block the increase and prevent Torkoal from using Solar Beam. Opposing Hail teams usually contend with Gigalith + Arcanine to maintain Sand, while pupper can threaten both targets. One last thing to note is Sand Stream damage can help rack up residual against my opponents just like I have Leech Seed, Wisp, Toxic, and other utility options on this team.
![[Image: tapubulu.png]](
Tapu Bulu @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Grassy Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 76 Atk / 116 Def / 4 SpD / 60 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Swords Dance
- Superpower
- Protect
-Survives Poison Jab From non boosted neutral Garchomp 100% of the time.
-OHKOs Tapu Lele, Koko, and Fini with Grassy Terrain-boosted Wood Hammer
-OHKOs 4 HP / 4 Def Garchomp with the Grassy Terrain Miracle Seed Wood Hammer
-OHKOs up to 252 HP / 212 Def Porygon2 with a Sword Dance boost.
-Outspeeds Neutral non invested base 80s.
So here we have one of the most threatening physical Pokemon in the format and honestly in contention as Best Grass-type: Tapu Bulu. Now lets think about this for a second. Tapu Bulu essentially has a base 130 Attack, Adamant nature, a boosting-type item, and a pseudo Choice Band-like boost to its main 120 STAB Wood Hammer. oh did I forget to mention Sword Dance? Thing about Tapu Bulu is the threat a boosted Wood Hammer alone is enough to force opponents to make defensive switches or hope they can take the hit. Superpower is listed down only to hit things like Porygon2 and Celesteela (if that happens) harder, though chances are I'm going to be using Wood Hammer for most of the time. Note Tapu Bulu is a decent check to other Tapus as it can usually setup its own Grassy Terrain last to maintain the 50% boosts. Of course, this is not how just the only way to use Tapu Bulu. Remember that part of Grassy Terrain's effects is gradual replenishment of about 1/16th of all grounded Pokemon's HP value and reduced the damage of Earthquake to half. Now only does this benefit most of my team with pseudo Leftovers, but helps them take far less damage from Earthquake so its at least decent. Will admit Tapu Bulu is the least used member of the team, but never I do bring it, Bulu can do work and well act like a bully.
![[Image: salamence.png]](
Salamence @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 52 HP / 4 Def / 188 SpA / 12 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Roar
- Protect
- See this thread.
-Basically the same, with slight SpD to no raise Download Porygon2's SpA
Last member of the team is none other that Dragonium Z Salamence. Yes it might sound strange running Dragonium Z instead of the Specs set, but here me out. With the Dragonium Z, Salamence has essentially one Specs Draco Meter, or Devastating Drake to hit opposing targets somewhat hard. Since Salamence is using a Z-Move and not techincally Draco Meteor, it can get one other Draco Meteor off before its Special Attack drops. Flamethrower is listed here to hit Fire-type Pokemon more consistantly than Fire Blast which tends to miss at critical points. Now Roar might sound like a rather dumb option to use, but this allows Salamence to phaze out any Trick Room or setup based strategies if in case I have to deal with any. Roar can also be used to phaze out Pokemon in Substitutes like opposing Celesteela since those can still be annoying for the team. One thing to note is Salamence and Arcanine form a dual Double Intimidate core between each other to allow its partners to take physical damage better. With the other defensive capabilities of the team, it can be rather frustrating to without knock out, or crit though the drops.
IMPORTABLE & Final thoughts
Feel free to use this team. Probably going to start dumping RMT and Team Report from Battle Spot VGC Ladder soon. Not sure how frequent will these be, but hopefully around once a month or so. Well anyways thanks for reading this team, even though most of it wasn't mine. Still think the core around this team is rather strong so hopefully can find ways to improve around it. Well thanks for reading.