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[REQUEST] My First Mini VGC "Competition" Performance + Request for Advice
Howdy, everyone!

It's been awhile since I've posted here, but know that I've been lurking in the shadows and reading everything in an attempt to soak up as much knowledge as possible!

I actually wanted to make this post for two reasons: 1) to tell you guys that I competed in my first little unofficial VGC event (nothing big or spectacular, so no CP points were earned or anything), and 2) to get some advice for a new team I need for something else coming up. For those of you who hate long posts--which I almost exclusively write, lol--I'll provide a TL;DR section at the very bottom.

Near the city where my husband and I live, a local bookstore hosted a fun practice competition for people who just wanted to get together with other Pokémon players and have a good time. There were only 41 people that attended, and no CP points were earned, but it was so much fun being in my first ever "competition" for this eSport, since I'm still quite new to competitive Pokémon! I had a blast, and would you guys believe that my Cherrim-Ninetails Sun Team took me to 19th place? Yeah, okay, that admittedly isn't a very good ranking, but I was still excited, nonetheless. At least I wasn't last, amirite?  :P

I do want to again thank everyone who helped me put that team together awhile back. I know that my request for aid in structuring such an odd team confused a lot of people, but quite a few of you were beyond gracious in providing the support, knowledge, and constructive criticism that I needed to find a nice middle ground between something completely unorthodox and something viable (but still cute, of course). For those who are curious, my team was Lopunny (Mega), Ninetails, Cherrim, Excadrill, Latios, and Rotom (Wash).

Okay, so now onto my request! A bunch of people that I met through this recent event are hosting another little gathering in roughly 2~3 weeks. It's still technically structured as a VGC practice event, but they are putting out the challenge for participants to not utilize any Legendaries (which is fine by me, because soft resetting for Latios was a *****). Again, no CP points are awarded since this is as unofficial as it gets (hey, I gotta start somewhere), so there's no pressure, but I'd like to try using a new team for this event.

Unfortunately, I still suck at building teams, and in spite of my efforts to improve at this, I admittedly have a long way to go. So, I was hoping someone could help me put together a team without Legendaries that I can use at this next gathering! As a reward/thank you for your time, I'm willing to breed any Pokémon (or a few, if you'd like more than one) that you want in exchange for your help.

I know that I want to try using either Mega Altaria or Mega Ampharos, but that's as far as I've gotten, lol. The rough draft that I've begun includes Mega Altaria and Crobat, but I have no idea where to go from here. Here's specifically what I have:

Altaria (Mega) w/ Altarianite
Ability: Cloud Nine (Pixilate)
EVs: 252 HP / 196 SpA / 60 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Nature: Modest
- Cotton Guard
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Bream/Heat Wave/Flamethrower (can't decide >.<)
- Roost

Crobat w/ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
- Protect
- Quick Guard
- Super Fang/Cross Poison (can't decide >.<)
- Tailwind

...And, that's all I've got. I'm just hitting a major wall here with how I even want this team to function. So, yeah. That's everything. Time for the succinct version of this post:

TL;DR - I recently played in my first unofficial VGC practice event, and I surprisingly didn't do that badly! There's an upcoming practice get-together that I'd like to participate in as well, but just as an added fun challenge, they'd like for participants to not use any Legendaries. Just to switch things up for myself, I'd like some help building a completely new team around either Mega Altaria or Mega Ampharos. As a form of thanks for your time and help, I'm willing to breed you any Pokémon that you'd like, or a few if you want more than one.

Thanks for any and all help, you guys!  Heart

(May 9, 2015, 03:52 PM)naitre Wrote: Mega Altaria is light years better than Mega Ampharos. I would suggest adding Scizor or Heatran to the team if you decide to go with M-Altaria, since both effectively clean up a lot of the typings that threaten M-Altaria. Greninja is an alternative, but can be a bit frail and usually gets punished on switch-ins.

I prefer to run Fire Blast on my M-Altaria, but I'm all about taking risks for the sake of power. Flamethrower would be a safe bet if you're afraid of missing, I guess. What is the rationale behind the EV spread you have listed? Are you investing the EVs for a specific purpose (ex: outspeed a certain mon)? My M-Altaria is running 252 HP + 224 Def + 20 SpA + 4 SpD + 12 Spe in order to take a Meteor Mash from M-Gross and punish it with a Fire Blast, which is generally an OHKO on a high roll or a 2KO on a low roll with the investment I have. The speed investment is solely to outspeed other mons in the same speed tier.

Crobat is phenomenal in singles, but can be difficult to run in VGC in my experience. I'm not saying that it can't be done, but it usually has a very specific role for VGC. It's comparable to Talonflame, but lacks priority. It bolsters a little more speed and attack, but whether or not that makes up for the lack of Gale Wings is questionable. Given the move pool you have listed, I would suggest Super Fang for the reliable damage. If you choose to run Super Fang, I'd suggest a bulkier EV spread.

Some teammates I can suggest other than Scizor or Heatran real quickly off the top of my head are Hitmontop, Amoonguss, Rotom-W, Landorus-T, Mamoswine, Dugtrio, and Conkeldurr.

Thanks for your quick reply, naitre! Your teammate suggestions are immensely helpful in narrowing things down a bit for me.

The EV spread for Altaria was one that someone I met at the event shared with me. From what they noted, 60 Speed with a Tailwind up should allow it to outspeed an Adamant Landorus (Therian) that is Choice Scarfed. I'm not sure if that's the only justification for that spread, as I haven't played around with it too much quite yet, myself. Your spread is nice and very detailed, so I may scrap what I have and rebuild around what you've shared.

Hmmm, I was concerned that Crobat may not be the best Tailwind setter for VGC, but since this is a non-Legend event, I won't be able to use Suicune (which seems to be used quite a bit at the moment). I'll make a list of the 'mon you've recommended as great partners for Mega Altaria and see what I can come up with.

Out of curiosity, is there a reason why you don't like Ampharos much? It seems to be a tad bit slow, but do you think it'd work out okay on a Trick Room team?

Thanks for all the feedback!

(May 9, 2015, 04:27 PM)naitre Wrote: I wasn't trying to say the spread was poorly done in any way, I was just curious about the numbers. Smile Sometimes people just randomly allocate points and don't put much thought into it, but outspeeding scarfed Lando seems like a good goal. Have you considered running Whimsicott, Togekiss, or Talonflame for Tailwind? Those three seem to be the big Tailwind setters outside of Suicune, Zapdos, Latios, and other popular legendaries.

My issue with Mega Ampharos is the fact that there are much better options to use. M-Ampharos’s best feature was its boost to SpA, but its speed is lackluster, and not being able to hold an item is a huge handicap for it. M-Ampharos’s typing leaves it weak to three huge threats in the meta—Earthquake, Dragon-type moves, and Ice-type coverage. While you won’t run into Dragon typing in every match, I can almost bet you’ll see EQ or Ice coverage thanks to the return to the genies. Despite the addition of a Dragon typing, it only has access to an underwhelming Dragon Pulse. Mold Breaker is a fantastic ability, but M-Ampharos doesn’t really have any way to capitalize on it. It’s not a very versatile mega, and it relies heavily on Trick Room to do anything. Even under Trick Room conditions, it doesn’t always perform. It's pretty niché, and that itself can end up being a gimmick sometimes.

M-Altaria, on the other hand, is a potential threat in every regard. It's essentially a bulkier version of Sylveon, which I'm sure you've heard about terrorizing the world of VGC. Fairy typing is fantastic and arguably the best typing in the game with Pixilate. It has a deeper move pool and much more viability. In many respects, it's a slightly inferior version of M-Mence.

Thanks so much, naitre! Everything makes sense about Mega Ampharos vs Mega Altaria, and I'll absolutely take your advice as I continue piecing together this team.

I appreciate your help and comments! Heart

(May 9, 2015, 03:35 PM)iflytoohigh Wrote: to not utilize any Legendaries

No Heatran, Landorus-T, Thundurus and Terrakion? It's Charizard Y time to shine Cool

Seriously, if you think that Altaria's best ability (in non-mega form) is Cloud Nine, which nullifies the weather.. M-Altaria is actually a good call!

However M-Altaria is a Fairy/Dragon (not a decent typing if you ask me). It may win against Dragons (M-Salamence and Hydreigon in particular) but it's weak to Steel and Fairy types, which are really strong this year (M-Metagross, Bisharp, Sylveon, M-Mawile and M-Gardevoir in particular) so we have to find something to deal with them.

If you want to start from M-Altaria + Crobat duo, i can think about something. At first glance, i would say Arcanine is ideal to deal (woops sorry :/) with everything listed above (Intimidate + W-o-W for M-Metagross, M-Mawile and Bisharp - Snarl for Sylveon and M-Gardevoir). Aegislash can work since it resists to any weakness of M-Altaria, while offering Wide Guard support for Hyper Voice and Earthquake. If you like this core, we can talk about the last members of the team  :D
(May 10, 2015, 05:04 AM)GMX Wrote: If you like this core, we can talk about the last members of the team  :D

First of all, I have to note that I love your profile picture! King is my second favorite character in Nanatsu no Taizai (after Diane)!  Heart

I actually like your suggestions so far! I've entertained the idea of Arcanine as an Intimidate user, I just have been stuck with putting an entire group together, assigning a proper EV spread, and selecting the best moves to have all my 'mon complement one another. Looks like you may be able to save me!

If we were going to go with Mega Altaria and Crobat (although I'm willing to drop Crobat for a different/better Tailwind setter, if you have a suggestion), what EV spreads and movesets do you think the Aegislash and Arcanine should have, specifically?

Let's just assume we're going with these 4 fellas... what's the best way to determine what we need for the final 2? I am so awful at teambuilding, it just isn't funny.  :P

At any rate, once we've fleshed out the full team with their moves, EVs, and such, please let me know what you'd like in return for your time! As soon as I get a detailed team listed, I'm going to get started breeding, anyway, so I can easily get another 'mon or two (or three, if you'd like) done for you, too! I want to have my team together ASAP so that I can get some solid Battle Spot practice in before the event! ^^

Thanks so much, GMX!

Haha i didn't expect someone could recognize my avatar, Nanatsu no Taizai is not that popular, i appreciate it (but Diane is not my second favorite character, sorry :D)

It's true, choosing the right pokemon may be the simple part because assigning the proper EV spread is not intuitive for anyone, but that's why this forum section exists.

Talking about the team, i don't want to be the only one suggesting here. I may be wrong about an EV spread or a particular move. If that's the case  i hope someone, or even you, will notice my mistake. Let's jump into it:

#I've adjusted naitre's EV spread just a bit. We are going to have Intimidate support from Arcanine so there's no need to invest in Def that much. Protect is useful to stay in non-mega form for at least one turn to negate the sun activation of M-CharY. Roost is a form of recovery, if you still like it. Ice Beam is a OHKO on M-Salamence (Hyper Voice is NOT if it's double targeting. On a 1on1, it's a OHKO)

Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Cloud Nine > Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 80 SpA / 12 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower
- Roost / Ice Beam
- Protect

@Life Orb Bisharp Iron Head has only 6,3% chance to OHKO, then you KO it with Flamethrower
@Crobat Super Fang can put in Flamethrower KO range both M-Metagross and M-Mawile, so i would use this move instead of Fire Blast

#Crobat is the best Tailwind setter after Suicune and Talonflame thanks to Inner Focus, i like it. Without Prankster Thundurus around, i would not use Quick Guard, but i would run both Super Fang and Cross Poison for support + Poison coverage against Fairy types. Tailwind and Protect/Roost for the last slots. Sitrus Berry may be the best item for this support Crobat, but you should test it. The EV spread seems fine, there's now way it can survive a Psychic from a M-Gardevoir with some investment in SpA, so there's no point in putting something in Special Defence. Remember that Cross Poison will hit M-Gardevoir really hard. Protect is the best option but Roost always has a reason to be here, you can adjust it at your preference.

Crobat @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tailwind
- Super Fang
- Cross Poison
- Protect / Roost

#Arcanine has to deal with M-Metagross, M-Mawile and Bisharp. A Rocky Helmet set makes more sense as it can switch into an Iron Head (or Play Rough) like a champ, trading a good amount of damage too. We'll heavily invest in physical bulk for this reason. With this set, even M-Kang will have an hard time taking Arcanine down at -1 or even -3 if you burn it. Morning Sun is excellent if you are facing physical attackers in general as you can burn them and watch them fainting from the Rocky Helmet damage while you are recovering. Flamethrower is a consistent move, even it's considered "weak", but at least you know it will hit (and it's a 2HKO on M-Metagross and M-Mawile anyway)

Arcanine @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 60 Spe
Bold Nature
- Flamethrower
- Will-O-Wisp
- Snarl
- Morning Sun

@Outspeeds Adamant Bisharp by 1 point, so that you can burn it with W-o-W avoiding a potential Sucker Punch if you think it's holding a Focus Sash, so that you can KO it with Flamethrower the next turn.

#Aegislash really needs some boost in power because it has to take down Sylveon and M-Gardevoir as soon as possible. The Life Orb set hits hard and it can get KOs you can't usually get with a standard set (for example a OHKO on M-Metagross with Shadow Ball). It still offers Wide Guard support, just in case, but if you have the possibility to attack Fairies, do it. Snarl damage from Arcanine + Flash Cannon can assure the KO on both of them. Just remember that Wide Guard is considered a protection move, so you will have 50% chance to get King's Shield up the following turn. However you can spam Wide Guard consecutively.

Aegislash @ Life Orb
Ability: Stance Change
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Flash Cannon
- Wide Guard
- King's Shield

252+ SpA Life Orb Aegislash-Blade Flash Cannon vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gardevoir: 172-203 (98.2 - 116%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Aegislash-Blade Flash Cannon vs. 140 HP / 0 SpD Sylveon: 174-211 (92.5 - 112.2%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Metagross: 203-242 (130.1 - 155.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

#For the 5th slot i'm choosing Gastrodon. Gastrodon adds a great type coverage to this team, with Water and Ground Stab attacks, which can hit Fire types hard, as we couldn't. Every other member resists to Grass, which is the only weakness of Gastrodon, so that you can switch anything into a Grass type move if you are afraid of it. Storm Drain ability protects Arcanine from Water type attacks, which are usually special attacks (and we have not invested in SpD) and it's a great win condition tool if you leave your opponent with a Water type pokemon which only knows Scald as attacking move. Ice Beam is for additional coverage. This offensive set with Expert Belt gets some interesting OHKOs.

Gastrodon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Storm Drain
Level: 50
EVs: 204 HP / 100 Def / 196 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Protect

196+ SpA Expert Belt Gastrodon Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Mega Mawile: 161-190 (102.5 - 121%) -- guaranteed OHKO
196+ SpA Expert Belt Gastrodon Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Salamence: 226-269 (132.1 - 157.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Double-Edge vs. 204 HP / 100 Def Gastrodon: 178-213 (83.9 - 100.4%) -- 0.4% chance to OHKO

#For the last slot we absolutely need a physical attacker. Scrafty can put some pressure on M-Kang (if Aegislash and Arcanine are not enough), it is excellent against Trick Room teams (togheter with Gastrodon and Aegislash) while being a good lead against Rain teams and M-CharY too. Its dual Fighting/Dark typing is great because its fits well in this team. However the double Intimidate can give problems against Milotic, which is still a threat to this team as we don't have anything supereffective to take it down fast (i'm not counting Defiant Bisharp because Arcanine's set shuts it down). A pure Fighting type pokemon like Conkeldurr would solve the problem if it wasn't for the Psychic weakness shared with Crobat (which puts M-Gardevoir and M-Metagross as major threats in this case). Another problem is that this team would be slow: Aegislash, Gastrodon and Scrafty/Conkeldurr even with their speed doubled can't really put more pressure than before. On the other hand this team is great against any Trick Room team. I was searching something with Helping Hand to boost M-Altaria Hyper Voice too.

I'm leaning towards the Conkeldurr, as the Assault Vest set can always take a Psychic from 252 SpA Gardevoir and we already have many ways to deal with M-Metagross. I have 3 unused battle ready Conkeldurr and i can give you one so that you can test the team with it. If you don't like it, we can always find something else, just please don't waste time breeding one yourself because i'm willing to give you one as i don't want you to waste time for just a test (that can potentially fail).

Quick edit: i've built the team without taking in consideration Suicune, Heatran, Terrakion, Landorus-T and Thundurus. However if you want to test it on Battle Spot i should post some damage calcs about them. Gastrodon takes care of everyone on this list anyway :D as it has Storm Drain for Suicune, it can OHKO Heatran, Terrakion and Landorus-T (while they have nothing to hit Gastrodon hard, same thing for Thundurus, which often carries HP Ice but it can't do much)

196+ SpA Expert Belt Gastrodon Earth Power vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 168-202 (100.5 - 120.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
196+ SpA Expert Belt Gastrodon Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-T: 245-293 (148.4 - 177.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
196+ SpA Expert Belt Gastrodon Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 48 SpD Thundurus: 118-139 (63.4 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Life Orb Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 92 SpD Cresselia: 164-195 (72.2 - 85.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Aegislash-Blade Flash Cannon vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 242-283 (144.9 - 169.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Terrakion Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Crobat: 116-138 (60.4 - 71.8%) -- 90.6% chance to 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
36 SpA Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Crobat: 152-182 (79.1 - 94.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
100 SpA Suicune Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Crobat: 84-100 (43.7 - 52%) -- 3.1% chance to 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery

-1 252 Atk Terrakion Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 196+ Def Arcanine: 54-66 (27.4 - 33.5%) -- Miniscule chance to 3HKO
-1 252+ Atk Landorus-T Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 196+ Def Arcanine: 90-108 (45.6 - 54.8%) -- 45.3% chance to 2HKO
(May 10, 2015, 04:04 PM)GMX Wrote: Talking about the team, i don't want to be the only one suggesting here. I may be wrong about an EV spread or a particular move. If that's the case  i hope someone, or even you, will notice my mistake. Let's jump into it:

Wow, you're the absolute best, GMX! Hopefully none of my new friends are anticipating my soon-to-be victory and scouting me out while my new team is in the works.  KappaHD  Thank you so much for such great detail! I love all of your suggestions and spreads--I can't wait to test it all out on Showdown before getting to the breeding fun.

Regarding the Conkeldurr, I actually do have one that I got a few weeks back in a trade. Apparently it's got a popular spread that I guess has been circulating, but I haven't yet tried it out. Here's what it is:

Conkeldurr w/ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 20 HP/ 244 Atk / 12 Def / 228 SpD / 4 Spe
Nature: Adamant
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch

What do you think? A lot of punches on there.  :P We can adjust the moves some, but he should be ready to go. And, if I need to wipe the EVs with a reset bag and redistribute some things, it's no trouble. Otherwise, it's set to go!

If Conkeldurr is too slow, would something like Primeape be better, perhaps? I do have a 6IV Mankey just chilling that I haven't ever messed with, so if that's an option, I'd be glad to raise her up to a Primeape and get some EV training going for her.

Also, was there a Pokémon you'd like me to breed and train for you? ^^ I actually quite enjoy the process, so let me know if there's something I can send your way as soon as I get started with my own breeding process.

Once we flesh out whether my Conkeldurr works (or if Mankey is a suitable sub), I'll get some practice rounds in on Pokémon Showdown, then I'll get started with breeding, training, and testing the team out on Battle Spot. Hopefully any kinks will come out before I start breeding.

Thanks so much, again!  Heart

That Conkeldurr is a Charizard Y destroyer if you run Rock Slide instead of Ice Punch, i like the EV spread.

244+ Atk Conkeldurr Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Charizard Y: 180-216 (97.2 - 116.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Heat Wave vs. 20 HP / 228 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr in Sun: 76-90 (41.5 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I've tried Primeape for 1 week on Showdown but it isn't as much consistent as Conkeldurr.. and it is too frail (the only reason to use it would be for the Defiant ability and because it has access to Close Combat)

Regarding your offer of breeding a pokemon for me, i must decline the offer. As you enjoy breeding pokemon i enjoy helping people in teambuilding.. there are always new things i learn too in the process and that's my reward Smile (for example it's been the first time i've done calcs about Life Orb Aegislash - i knew it was a thing but i didn't know it was this strong, and i'm going to test it myself)

However i'd like to test my no legends team with yours if i knew how to add friends on Showdown :/ there was a No Legends forum tourney scheduled for weeks ago but it has been postponed.
(May 11, 2015, 02:36 AM)GMX Wrote: That Conkeldurr is a Charizard Y destroyer if you run Rock Slide instead of Ice Punch, i like the EV spread.

244+ Atk Conkeldurr Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Charizard Y: 180-216 (97.2 - 116.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Heat Wave vs. 20 HP / 228 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr in Sun: 76-90 (41.5 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I've tried Primeape for 1 week on Showdown but it isn't as much consistent as Conkeldurr.. and it is too frail (the only reason to use it would be for the Defiant ability and because it has access to Close Combat)

Regarding your offer of breeding a pokemon for me, i must decline the offer. As you enjoy breeding pokemon i enjoy helping people in teambuilding.. there are always new things i learn too in the process and that's my reward Smile (for example it's been the first time i've done calcs about Life Orb Aegislash - i knew it was a thing but i didn't know it was this strong, and i'm going to test it myself)

However i'd like to test my no legends team with yours if i knew how to add friends on Showdown :/ there was a No Legends forum tourney scheduled for weeks ago but it has been postponed.

Thank you so much! You've been amazing! Too bad about Mankey/Primeape... guess she'll have to keep sitting in that box until the right time comes for her to shine.  :P But, that's good news about the Conkeldurr (and saves me a bit of time)! I'll get Rock Slide on him in place of Ice Punch, and I'd say he's set.

Yeah, I don't have an actual registered account on Showdown, to be honest, so I should probably figure that out sometime this evening. But, as soon as I finish testing these fellas out on Showdown and get them bred into my game, I can add you on my 3DS! We can get some practice battles in that way, if you wanna test your No Legends Team versus mine. ^^

And, if you ever do change your mind and have a 'mon (or full team, for that matter) that you'd like bred, you know you can count on me!  Heart

I'll follow up here and keep you posted on how my practice progresses and if I discover any odd kinks or things that I have a hard time defeating.

Thanks so much, again!

(May 11, 2015, 09:17 AM)iflytoohigh Wrote:
(May 11, 2015, 02:36 AM)GMX Wrote: That Conkeldurr is a Charizard Y destroyer if you run Rock Slide instead of Ice Punch, i like the EV spread.

244+ Atk Conkeldurr Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Charizard Y: 180-216 (97.2 - 116.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Heat Wave vs. 20 HP / 228 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr in Sun: 76-90 (41.5 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I've tried Primeape for 1 week on Showdown but it isn't as much consistent as Conkeldurr.. and it is too frail (the only reason to use it would be for the Defiant ability and because it has access to Close Combat)

Regarding your offer of breeding a pokemon for me, i must decline the offer. As you enjoy breeding pokemon i enjoy helping people in teambuilding.. there are always new things i learn too in the process and that's my reward Smile (for example it's been the first time i've done calcs about Life Orb Aegislash - i knew it was a thing but i didn't know it was this strong, and i'm going to test it myself)

However i'd like to test my no legends team with yours if i knew how to add friends on Showdown :/ there was a No Legends forum tourney scheduled for weeks ago but it has been postponed.

Thank you so much! You've been amazing! Too bad about Mankey/Primeape... guess she'll have to keep sitting in that box until the right time comes for her to shine.  :P But, that's good news about the Conkeldurr (and saves me a bit of time)! I'll get Rock Slide on him in place of Ice Punch, and I'd say he's set.

Yeah, I don't have an actual registered account on Showdown, to be honest, so I should probably figure that out sometime this evening. But, as soon as I finish testing these fellas out on Showdown and get them bred into my game, I can add you on my 3DS! We can get some practice battles in that way, if you wanna test your No Legends Team versus mine. ^^

And, if you ever do change your mind and have a 'mon (or full team, for that matter) that you'd like bred, you know you can count on me!  Heart

I'll follow up here and keep you posted on how my practice progresses and if I discover any odd kinks or things that I have a hard time defeating.

Thanks so much, again!


Ok, i'll add you as soon as possible.

Good luck :D

edit: you have my Friend Code but i don't have yours haha

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