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[REQUEST] Need a hand on completing my Doubles TR Team
Maybe a special attacker that works in/out of TR? A tanky Slowbro/Slowking, Milotic or Swampert help to take Water and Ice spread moves targeting Rhyperior and can retaliate with Scald, etc. Swampert also handily resists Rock Slide but stacks a huge Grass weakness with Rhyperior, presenting a Solarbeam opportunity to the likes of Charizard-Y.
Be sure to check out my Otaru Regional Fakedex.  Updating regularly with new Fakemon.  Always looking for feedback!
I always love the idea of Sitrius Berry Milotic with Mirror Coat. Basically, you can take out Sylveon, Ludicolo, Zapdos, Thundururs, and pretty much any special attacker with Mirror Coat. It is amazing.
Okay, sorry for taking so long, it's just that I've been breeding like hell since mid-september. Anyway, anyhow, I've taken some of your advice and came up with this final team.

Dusclops @ Eviolite
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Sassy
EVs: 252HP/160DEF/96SPE
Night Shade

Changed TR for a nasty Hex. Dusclops will be the one to pester my opponents and take out the weakened ones.

Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Nature: Brave
EVs: 160HP/252ATK/96SpD
Hammer Arm
Rock Slide
Knock Off

Changed the Stone Edge for Rock Slide. Area + chance of flinching = Happiness

Cresselia @ Mental herb
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Relaxed
EV's: 236 HP / 204 Def / 68 SpD
Trick room
Ice beam

TR setter, nuff' said.

Milotic @ Assault Vest
Ability: Competitive
Nature: Modest
EV's: 238 HP / 138 Def / 132 SpA
Mirror Coat
Dragon Tail
Ice beam

New entry, again, following you guys suggestion, got a Milotic for the team. I thought a lot about how to use it, then gathered some ideas and started working them. Competitive to give a well deserved boost in case of debuff, Assault Vest to make it extra bulky specially. Mirror Coat to counter specials, Dragon Tail to force change and do some damage, Ice Beam and Scald to do some damage and maybe inflict a little status effet here and there.

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Brave
EV's: 252 HP / 208 Atk / 48 Def
Play Rough
Sucker Punch
Iron Head

As a mega was suggested, this one was the first that came to my mind. Mega-Mawile has the right stats I needed for my team. With this moveset I hope to bring out all of its potential.

Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 212 HP / 46 Atk / 252 Def
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge
Ice Punch

To finish, Rhyperior joins in. Physical shield and a heavy hitter. With it i can take out some threats to Mawile, and with a well placed Stealth Rock, I can have a head start and avoid sturdies.

I wanna say thanks to Sandagon13, Delta and Adolf Hipstar for giving some tips. Hope you can just give me an last opinion for this final team of mine. Again, thanks to all of you. :D
Hey, I'm not the most familiar with the VGC format but I think I there are a few changes I can suggest.

Firstly this team looks like, although it would function okay outside of it, trick room really improves the functionality of it. While Cresselia is very bulky, it very much appreciates Fake out support to avoid getting double targeted and to prevent being spored by Amoonguss (which seems to be a big weakness to this team, and just a pain in the *** for TR teams in general). I would recommend replacing conkeldurr with either Scrafty or Hariyama. Scrafty is nice for the intimidate, while Hariyama is nice for the higher base attack and only a 2x weakness to fairies.

I would suggest replacing stealth rock on Rhyperior for Drill run. This will give you an option against Wide guard Aegislash. I would also probably replace stone edge for rock slide for the spread damage to prevent redirection, chance to flinch, higher accuracy and still picking up most of the necessary KOs.

It would also be nice to know what you have EVd each member to survive. Considering my lack of experience with Dusclops I'm not sure whether there is a better option, but other than spreading burns I don't think it does enough for the team. I would personally try to find and option which is still bulky with access to status which can still apply offensive pressure.

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