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(Dec 12, 2019, 01:34 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: @thebeardsone If your Snorlax is Gluttony and low speed I'll take it, if not, then an Orbeetle sounds neat.

unfortunatly no snorlax but we can make Orbeetle work.
Anyway I could grab a HA rufflet offa' you? I've been looking for one for what feels like forever. I can offer a couple of HA mons (HA Riolu in moon ball, HA, Falinks in a level ball, S.Swim Arrokuda in a dive ball, and HA Applin in a friend ball being some of the better ones).
I'm Interested in two ferrathorns I have HA Solar Power Heliolisk,HA Moxie Gyrados,and a HA Eletric Surge Pincurchin
@wpendragon I'd do Riolu for Rufflet, no problem.

@freshikki I'll take Heliolisk and Pinchurchin.

I will have weezings soon, Duraludons are done!
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Hey so im ready to trade when you are i was also wondering if you would trade a 5iv HA Eevee for a Duraludon as well?
@Hojunhu awesome, send me a PM when you are online and we can make it happen. And thanks a lot Smile
Added that Horsest with the morstest, Mudbray!
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
is the cottonee and koffing available for trade?
@freshikki sure are! I'm at a place with spotty WiFi for the weekend, but I should be free to try it out in 4 hours.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Added HA Galarian Zigzagoon with Knock Off and Quick Guard that I built from scratch.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades

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