Dec 15, 2016, 01:50 PM
Hi I'm interested in adamant growlith, modest drampa, porygon and sandygast
I have intimidate adamant 5ivs sandile
Stamina or own tempo adamant 5iv mudbray (close combat as an egg move)
Togedemaru impish 5ivs (encore as an egg move)
Shellder adamant 5ivs (EM: icicle spear and rock blast)
Whishiwashi quiet 5ivs
Bounsweet adamant 5ivs (EM: play rough)
They're all breedject
Thank you :D
Hi I'm interested in adamant growlith, modest drampa, porygon and sandygast
I have intimidate adamant 5ivs sandile
Stamina or own tempo adamant 5iv mudbray (close combat as an egg move)
Togedemaru impish 5ivs (encore as an egg move)
Shellder adamant 5ivs (EM: icicle spear and rock blast)
Whishiwashi quiet 5ivs
Bounsweet adamant 5ivs (EM: play rough)
They're all breedject
Thank you :D