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[SUN/MOON] [SHOP] Ultra Trading Shack (Shiny, Events & Giveaways)
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Sorry, I only accept Events for my Event Pokemon
How about phione
@Pwimawh_Kiogah I'm not interested in ordinary legendaries, sorry!
Okay...  Sad
@Queen Time today around 21:00? ?
@Queen, Do the shiny pokemon have to be level 1, the ones that are offered to you
@Aaroniskill1996 I will be available for the next 3 hours (just got home from dinner)

@AniMangelo Hello, you can offer any level if you don't have level 1 shinies, I tend to accept most trades for my shinies.
@Queen i had no time back then because i had been working
shiny sandygeist for shiny darumaka
@Queen I would like to trade something for your shiny Greninja and shiny Diggersby if possible. Some of the events I have are the Tyranitar with Ice Punch, event Jirachi with Destiny Knot, Surf and Fly Pilachu. And my shiny pokemon are, Rockruff, Bounsweet, Espeon, Weavile and Ditto.

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