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[TRADE] LF: Amulet Coin FT: MasterBall
Big Grin 
I have 5 masterballs to trade for an amulet coin. :D Anybody looking for Masterballs can come here. First Come First serve. First 3 get a shiny too.
i would like one. are you looking for anything specific?
you need amulet coin?
i have extra, i could use another master ball
let me know
hi i would like some!
I want one please.What ITEM do you need?
(Dec 15, 2015, 04:47 AM)theoapo13 Wrote: I want one please.What ITEM do you need?
I have got an extra Amulet coin if u wanted just PM me
Mr_Crypolic, bensif, and wolfogo010 are the first three and as a bonus, all of you will get a shiny (Just Mr_Crypolic, bensif, and wolfogo010 are getting the Shiny. If any of them turn down the deal, the runner-up, AKA sorachii if she/he has the Amulet coin, will take the place of one of them).

theoapo13, I am looking for a Master Ball.

sorachii, Do you have an Amulet Coin? If so, you will be the fourth to get a Master Ball (But No Shiny).

Add me on your 3ds and PM Me what time we can trade. I can't trade wednesday, but on every other day, I am free from 3:30-7 PM EST.
Still need one?
(Dec 15, 2015, 06:14 PM)Shiny Mew Wrote: Still need one?

Yeah. I'll give you a masterball for an amulet coin.
I have one I'll add you.

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