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[TRADE] adolf's shiny shop!make me an offer!
all of the pokemon have to be legal and tradable
vgc salamence with hydro pump,draco meteor and two other moves.i do not need the HA jolly/adamant nature please
lapras with freee dry preferably a bold/calm nature.
legal zapdos with heat wave,thunderbolt,ancient power and hp ice,timid nature please
the milotic justin uses in his team.same moves,stats,ev's,nature

shiny darkrai
shiny lucario with mega stone
shiny arcanines adamant nature with intimidate.u have 2 of these
shiny exploud
ash's pikachu
shiny klingklang
shiny medicham
shiny archechops
shiny flaffy
shiny greninja
shiny haxorus
shiny gardevoir
shiny crayogonal
shiny suicune
shiny tyrantrum
shiny milotic
shiny ambipom
shiny vomcarano
shiny gourgeist
shiny growlithe
shiny venusaur
hiny talon flame
shiny manectric
nidoking with sheer force
br chesnaught
shiny goodra'
shiny zoroark
shiny smoochum
shiny heracross
shiny pinsir
alex's ludicolo
shiny ampharos
shiny azumarill
shiny diancie
shiny mudkip
shiny riolu
shiny garchomp
shiny reuniclus
shiny worlds chandelure
shiny eevee
shiny shinx
shiny banette
shiny genesec
shiny thundrus
the three genies with dream world ability that is defiant for thundrus and tornadus and sheer force for landorus
shiny hitmontop
shiny ninetales
shiny magikarp
shiny rayquaza
shiny dragonite
shiny noivern
shiny chanseyu
shiny hydreigon
shiny meowstic
hiny klefki
shiny gliscor
shiny slwobro
shiny crawdraunt
shiny salamence
shiny weavile
shiny tangrowth
shiny cloyster
pikachu with fly
why a pikachu with fly? I didnt even think that was possible. would love to see that in the anime
(Mar 17, 2015, 12:52 PM)Nuclear Pikachu Wrote: why a pikachu with fly? I didnt even think that was possible. would love to see that in the anime

Pikachu can get Surf, Fly, and all kinds of fancy moves, but only in events. <- Event Pikachu list
oh wow really?
You could also catch a pikachu with fly and surf in HG/SS using the pokewalker
What are the natures and abilities on the milotic, eevee and shinx?
Can I have full details on Klinklang and the Shinx?
I have a legit VGC BR Lapras with Hydro Pump, Ice Shard, Ancient Power, and Freeze-Dry with a Sassy nature if you're interested.
(Mar 17, 2015, 03:28 PM)Arkena Wrote: What are the natures and abilities on the milotic, eevee and shinx?

milotic is calm with the ability competitive and the moves are confuse ray,scald,aqua ring,hypnosis.perfect ivs
eevee is a modest nature and has anticipation(HA ABILITY)with yawn,curse,wish,hyper voice and again perfect ivs
shinx is a jolly nature with guts and has egg moves that are ice fang,night slash,superpower and eerie impulse perfect ivs

(Mar 17, 2015, 05:41 PM)Da BossMan + Wrote: Can I have full details on Klinklang and the Shinx?

the shinx has guts is jolly and has perfect ivs with egg moves ice fang,eerie mpulse,night slash and superpower perfect ivs
the klinklang is adamant with clear body and has return,shift gear,gear gring and wild charge perfect ivs.
they're shiny

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