Credit to ouroporos
Despite Thundurus being more popular, Zapdos definitely has a couple of tricks up it's sleeve (under it's wing..?) that warrants it being used over the genie. Zapdos has respectable bulk and a relatively high Special Attack stat allowing it to take a few hits and do some decent damage in return. One thing that sets Zapdos apart from Thundurus is it's ability to recover using Roost, which means it can stay around a little longer to support the team. If you're looking for a well rounded Pokemon that can Support your team and hit pretty hard, Zapdos may be the choice for you.
Type: Electric/Flying
Base Stats: 90 HP / 90 Attack / 85 Defense / 125 Special Attack / 90 Special Defense / 100 Speed
Weaknesses: Ice (X2), Rock (X2)
Resistances: Fighting (X0.5), Bug (X0.5), Flying (X0.5), Steel (X0.5), Grass (X0.5)
Immunities: Ground
Abilities: Pressure - When a Pokémon with Pressure is targeted by a foe's move, one additional PP is deducted upon execution. Consequently, extra PP is deducted even if the foe's move misses, has multiple targets, or is rendered ineffective due to immunity. If the move of a Pokémon targets several foes with Pressure, one additional PP will be deducted for each one.
Static (Hidden Ability, NOT RELEASED) - When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become paralyzed. This can affect Ground-type Pokémon.
If a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a multi-strike move that makes contact, each hit has an independent chance to activate this Ability.
Tailwind Support
Zapdos @ Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 244 HP / 44 Def / 52 SpA / 148 SpD / 20 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def (for HP Ice)
-Hidden Power [Ice] / Heat Wave
-Roost / Protect
Although this may seem like an unnecessarily complicated spread, it does quite a few different things.
First of all 244 HP gives a HP stat of 196 (assuming you have 31 IVs) which is divisible by 2 allowing the Sitrus to proc on a Super Fang. (Thanks to Willem for pointing this out to me!). Secondly, the 20 Speed EVs allow it to outspeed Adamant Bisharp (Base 70 Speed)
Next, while looking on Global Link, I noticed the top 12 were predominantly Special Attackers, and thus I decided to invest quite heavily in Special Defense, but it also has enough Physical Bulk to survive strong hits such as Double Edge from Adamant Max Attack Mega Kangaskhan, which you'll see in the damage calculations
Sitrus Berry or Safety Goggles is personal preference. Sitrus is for longevity, while Safety Goggles allows Zapdos tho ignore Spore from Amoonguss and Breloom (the latter of which tends to be Jolly, Max Speed thus outspeeding this particular build)
Damage Calculations
Choice Specs
Zapdos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 32 Def / 44 SpA / 64 SpD / 116 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def (for HP Ice)
-Hidden Power [Ice]
-Heat Wave
-Volt Switch
First benchmark for this spread was outspeeding Jolly Breloom, which is achieved with 116 Speed EVs. Obviously we have less bulk so you may have to play a bit safer, especially since we're locked into a move and don't have Sitrus or Roost for recovery.
Choice Specs may catch a few people off guard, as it's able to pick up OHKO's on DaWoblefet's Mega Salamence and Bulky, non-assault vested Landorus-T's, and Volt Switch allows you to switch out while dealing some decent chip damage
Damage Calculations
Rogue's Expert Belt set
Zapdos @ Expert Belt
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 140 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def (for HP Ice)
-Hidden Power [Ice]
-Heat Wave
Read the team write up Here!
Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to;
- Any Pokemon with that awkward mid-tier speed range such as Mega Venusaur, Heatran and even slightly lower speed Pokemon like Sylveon
- Intimidate users such as Landorus-T, who can help Zapdos stay around against Physical Attackers with the Intimidate, while being able to Earthquake freely thanks to Zapdos' typing
- Strong Attackers such as Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Metagross can potentially sacrifice some Speed for Bulk if you run the Tailwind set
Threats include, but aren't limited to;
- Fast Rock Slides or Stone Edges from Terrakion Landorus-T and Tyranitar
- Taunt users, specifically Thundurus since it has access to Prankster and can stop you setting up Tailwind
- Strong attacks such as Mega Kangaskhan's Double Edge and Charizard Y's Overheat
Other Notable Moves
- Light Screen - Reduce the damage taken from Special Attacks for five turns
- Thunder Wave - Used as an alternative to Tailwind
- Hidden Power [Flying] - If you have trouble against Mega Venusaur and you have enough Ice coverage
- Swagger - Raise the foes attack by 2 stages and confuse them. Can be annoying if paired with Thunder Wave
Other Notable Items
- Rocky Helmet - Physical Attackers take some chip damage if they target Zapdos
- Life Orb - Boost damage output at the cost of 10% of you max HP at the end of each turn of damaging a foe
- Leftovers - Gradually restore HP at the end of each turn
- Weakness Policy - Raise your Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages if hit by a Super Effective attack
Thanks for reading! If you have any sets of your own to add, PM me or post a comment. Zapdos definitely has it's uses on certain teams, and is a brilliant alternative to Thundurus, especially since it has a way to recover with Roost, and Tailwind affects alllies which means, unlike Thunder Wave, it isn't blocked by Protect. Hopefully one of these set will prove helpful to some of you :]