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[VGC] Mega-Gallade Teambuilding *Editz*: Core Selection!
Skill Swap Gallade is interesting indeed. To be honest, one caught me with my pants down and stole Pure Power from my Mega Medicham and swept me. The move Skill Swap in itself is very gimmicky in my opinion, which is why I tend to avoid it and all the opponent needs to do is switch out and come back in to have their ability reset. As for team synergy, I can imagine Skill Swapping Huge Power from Azumarill/Diggersby, then sweeping with Gallade, although that isn't really possible in a VGC situation.

Bulky Gallade is interesting as well. Normally the bulky variant is ran in Singles (very rarely at that) so I'm not sure how it would work in a VGC situation especially seeing as how Drain Punch doesn't pick up kills and Gallade is an easy 2HKO for most mons
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RE: Mega-Gallade Teambuilding (Help needed) - by Marcusube - Aug 25, 2015, 10:56 PM

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