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Week 5 Meet & Greet - Come Take a Seat!
Plz dont judge M8s  KappaHD

What's your favourite Shiny pokemon? Or what pokemon do you think could do with a full recolor?
MIne would jbe Regirock just because he seems more bulkier.

If you could have one pokemon to help you with your daily life, what would it be?
Arceus because he is literally a god. I mean who wouldnt what god to be gods owner Kappa

What type would your gym be if you were the leader?
Steel. You come heavy or not at all.

Pokemon Go; Should the available pokemon be specific to an area type, constantly roaming, or completely random?
There should be some roaming but then have some definite spots where some pokemon can be found.

Tell us a bit about yourself: Are you a creative or logical? Active or studious? What's your bank account password? Dog person or cat person?  

I more logical then creative. I tend to be considered insane on my ideas on how to fix the world do to how uhm... disturbing they can be do to the logical reasoning behind them. On the creative side not so much, I tend to be really bad at art. Define active. Not so much studious. My bank account password is in a quantum state atm Kappa . Doge master race.
A legend fallen from grace.

Messages In This Thread
Week 5 Meet & Greet - Come Take a Seat! - by Aether - Sep 25, 2015, 11:11 AM
RE: Week 5 Meet & Greet - Come Take a Seat! - by Unit501 - Sep 25, 2015, 12:56 PM

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