Serious question. Does accuracy decrease for spread moves in doubles? I played 4 matches with Heatran and jotted down every heat wave miss and the move missed 40% of potential targets. I am considering removing heatwave for flamethrower or overheat on my heatran because it cost me two matches (heatwave missed resulting in a spore and earthquake).
I know that it is bad luck , but dude imagine this scenario. You are 2v1 Amoonguss+ Heatran vs Magnezone. You put it asleep perfect. this ****ing magnezone has Sleep Talk. Alright you're fine with that use rage powder on amoonguss try to hit a heatwave. Nope misses 7 flippin times. enemy magnezone crits 3 times in a row. GG WP RNG
Heat Wave has 95% accuracy for each Pokemon on the field. Maybe you're just unlucky. You can always run Lava Plume over it if you're okay with damaging your Pokemon as well or Eruption if you can sustain Heatran throughout the battle.