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i've studied only super basic japanese and havent been studying for a couple months, but i need to get back into though, i hate being unilingual XD
(Dec 19, 2015, 04:55 AM)Joker-T214 Wrote:
(Dec 19, 2015, 04:01 AM)Sharkerz Wrote: Welcome to the site! I am sure you'll meet a lot of a friendly people here. Also, if you are need of assistance I am always free to help.

Thank you,
First time on a site like this, if you don't count chat on random game sites.
I'm just trying to get any foreign, 5iv, pokemon to assist in my breeding and maybe find a battle to try out my experimental team[s].

I have a lot of 5IVs (31 HP/0 Atk/ 31 Def/31 Sp.Atk/31 Sp. Def/31 Spe) Gastlys in my PC.
I am sure I can EV train it and on the process evolve it into a Haunter and trade it to you.
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.
Thanks, but I already had it covered. I was just gonna use the gardevior and my ghastly to masuda method and any other pokemon in the egg group. If you have other pokemon that fall into: bug, dark, ghost, poison, ice or dragon typings I'll trade; don't know what could give though.

I've studied a bit too, I feel like I have an obligation to, but not determined enough. What tools do you use, rosetta stone or something?
i feel the same way XD, obligated but not motivated. i love japanese culture(minus the odd stuff) and anime

im cheap so no rosetta stone but i want it really bad, i should just pirate it, uhmmm i used an app before that was helpful, it was called something tree, i dont remember. other than that i just learned the alphabet(s) and look at lessons online. my girl also wants to learn so when we go threw a phase of actually learning it i have a practice buddy which is suuuper helpful

i draw the line at kanji, i just refuse to even bother with kanji. A college professor who teaches kanji still doesent know them all.... i would spend the rest of my life memorizing new kanji, no thank you
Odd stuff; what odd stuff?
When it comes to japanese things, alot of things just clicks and makes sense to me, over other american culture. I wonder if it's heritable; speaking of heritage, their eyes are football shape{eye doctor said that term[which I didn't know until recently.]} Anime is alright and all, don't watch to much of it.

I tried using this indie game on the xbox 360 for a while; and when it come to speaking partners, my mom is fluent. Instead of learning though, I usully ask for a translation. Just to not be confusing, my grandma is japanese.

when it comes to kanji, it wouldn't hurt to learn basic kanji. I've tried and that indie game I talk about really for that. Don't ask for examples cause it's been awhile.
by odd stuff i only meant creepy perverted stuff, thats about it, other than that i absolutely love the culture

im a self hating american so i dislike most of american culture (im a eastern european mut with a dash of native american) i dont think the native in me can forgive the europe in me XD

aww man i wish i knew someone fluent, lucky
Welcome to the forum!
Have fun with all the give outs going on right now and hope you have fun here!
(Dec 19, 2015, 11:41 AM)Joker-T214 Wrote: @ GamingPokemonLover139
I would like to have that gardevoir, could use it with the ghastly I just bred. I also could get that shinx to work too; I have a froakie so don't need your frogadier. Question is, what would you want in exchange for your gardevior?

Yeah, I saw the ditto giveaway and yeah, I don't to use genned. Did you study japanese, or did you pickup some things here and there? Thanks for the welcoming, hopefully you could a foreign specimen my way in the future.

I would like whatever you think is fair for my pokemon.What are your offers?I only have a few more hours so,ANSWER FAST!!
PokemonForever no forums e youkoso! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! :D

Loving the Japanese convo you guys are keeping up here xD I don't know Japanese since I'm a Malaysian but I am loving the language so much and I'm constantly learning it slowly! I can catch phrases and throw bits of random words here and there but probably if you ask me to form a sentence I would give you a hundred grammar mistakes but you'll get what I mean :P
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
Well, I got 5iv ghastly, buneary and weedles; the later two with hidden abilities. I just completed my dex[pat on back] so if you needed pokemon to fill your dex. I got other pokemon on the wing to breed so maybe an I.O.U?
Where you goin'? The trade can wait till later, I probably won't be on much this week anyways.

@Shiny Mew
Thanks for the welcoming. I doesn't feel right getting a freebie, Ima 'get 'er done youself' kinda guy. Unless I got somethin' they want to trade with.

That's cool, funny joke too. Do you watch gaijin goomba? He has a couple of vids on the 'perverted' stuff, and it makes alot of sense.

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