Which services do you like the most? |
Dittos |
22.49% adroitxassassin, AireDanne, Airmaster123, AntiMatterJ, AppLeJacKsz, Bluefire34, Boris2509, Brownlee, Calyx, CaptainBlue, CleverBast, clifto, Cymbion, darkcail, Darks, ellgie, ErnieRosay, Guilli, hello, HumanMerfolk, Its Pikachu Time, Jok3r, Mason6and8, Mattienator, MaxShadowsong, MickyT, Mikcow, Philiana, pokejoe250, Rezlang, Roland, shadowwalker96, T the man, The Panda knight, Thee_Red_Night, TheRoastQueen, TheSilverShadow, Wolfy2478 |
38 |
22.49% |
Modifications |
19.53% AlexGarcia17, Andieeee, Anton, Basketball590, Boffin, ChrissSixx, Cubby Gamer, DynaMike, Eugenio, Excalibur0126, Fennekins, Ganeesha, hello, Hestia, IvanCuhh, Lolface366, mrprize, Neravius, nightburstpkmn, parrypeter25, pokejoe250, R3dlu1g1, Roland, Snowygrass, srushj11, TehBestCloner, That_cute_pikachu, Thee_Red_Night, TheLastStaravia, Theoapo, TheWildShannon, tokyolostboy, yaeaeae |
33 |
19.53% |
Gennings |
11.83% Cord, Cubby Gamer, DinoHunter531, DynaMike, EnderBlazeMC, Eugenio, hector, Lolface366, Mattienator, meny5, mrprize, Neravius, ohKhaos15, PotemkinCityLimits, Thee_Red_Night, TheLastStaravia, vk1012, wundrweapon, yaeaeae, Ænigma |
20 |
11.83% |
Breeders Bank |
7.10% AlexGarcia17, Bristle, Da BossMan +, Johnnyspyguy, Lucifer666, Raestro, RuinousAngel, Seajoking, TehBestCloner, TheBigM, XIIIthplayer, 1 Guest |
12 |
7.10% |
Giveaway |
34.32% AlexGarcia17, Andieeee, Awesome416234, Branchie99, Chawizawd, CSquared1025, Davizz, DeepSeaKeo, Dex, DynaMike, Enrique16819, Epic863, ErRon123, Fennekins, Fliny, Flux (Brian), giorgosmlmk, hello, Hillemer, Hunterb2020, Iharalu, II Yveltal II, irazer91, jackkirbywagner, Jhinsuu, JordanAC/DC, josephalo, KaiotiC, Karthyan, Keister, Lolface366, lostre, LuxrayLogan, Mattienator, NorthernNova, nowere, OdysseusHestia, Osdrix, ProfessorLapras, Roarachu, Rurek, Seajoking, Segatakai, SkiHigh, snder82, SnickersXzocker, Spirit Jay, SpyroXX77XX, Supreme, T-Sizzle, TheAbsolTrainer, TheLastStaravia, The_Albino_Panda, Tomatoman1, xenzeno, XIIIthplayer, yaeaeae, yoshikidneo |
58 |
34.32% |
Pokemon Center League |
4.73% ajruss2000, bim, Frost, Sharkfang2193, shinybadger21, T-Sizzle, TehBestCloner, yoshikidneo |
8 |
4.73% |