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Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname?
I have not been in the best naming mood, and I'm very curious on what you've named your pokemon.
/////Comment below ^^\\\\\
//////Secretly needs ideas for pokemon nicknames\\\\\\\\
A swampert named Little Mac :D


cuz irony
Thats a cute nickname, also its adding some toughness to a already tough looking pokemon. Smart choice.

- CaptainBlue

I honestly named my Mudkip during my run of Sapphire "Memelord", because I herd u leik mudkipz. //slapped//
I named my Japan Ditto Dillydo! Like dildo, get it xD
Ive thought about its name and i've wanted to do that for awhile XD

A breloom that I called Dr.Shrooms
Sounds like a good name

Might try it ^^

- CaptainBlue

Just checked and I got a onix called....
TheMegab0n3r  ;D

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