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[DISCUSSION] FT: Shiny Hunting Service
I don't really need the service I would just like to get more friend safari's since I dont have many
I'll add you right away Smile
I tend to give away free shinies.
@ForestEmerald I'll get both for the mewtwo. You're going to have to wait for a lil bit, I'll pm you when I got them!
I tend to give away free shinies.
oh hey NoRaTiX would you like a pokemon with pokerus?
I have plenty actually. What pokemon is it? :3
I tend to give away free shinies.
and btw your friend safari is physcic
Thank you :p
I tend to give away free shinies.
depends, xD i can give pokerus to any pokemon with a few battles. so basically any
No that's okay, really nice thought though :3
I tend to give away free shinies.
Awesome, thank you so much! Could you please nickname them for me too? I would like the female to be called Alice and the male to be called Arthur please. I hope it's not too much to ask.

This is a brilliant idea by the way, shiny hunting for shinies and legendaries (and sometimes both ;-p). Props to you for having it.

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