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Who is your favorite gym leader/ elite four/ champion?
Usually there are similar questions about who is your favorite pokemon :O I don't think anyone has asked about their favorite gym leader/elite four. So here is the topic question!
From Kanto to Kalos

Hopefully you guys enjoy this topic question :D

Elite Four: Lance / Gym trainer: Blue / Champion: Red
Jasmine and Flannery for sure! I really like Clemont too. :D
Ehm I have a lot actually haha

Erika, Volkner, Crasher Wake ( I mean come on, He has a wrestler mask Kappa), Elesa (from BW1, the blonde one) and Roxie :D
ohh boy well for me my favorite champion is Cynthia although i like Alder alot as well which seems to be unusual as most people seem to hate him.
Elite 4 wise my favorites would have to be Lorelei, Karen, Drake and Caitlyn.
And for Gym leaders my favorites are Flannary, Jasmine, Clair and Sabrina.

Woot i'm not the only one who likes Jasmine (i knew Flannery was popular XD)
Blue, Morty, Clair, Volkner, Drayden
Hmm I'd say my favorites are Volkner, Flannery, and Lt. Surge for gym leaders. For the Elite Four, Lance and Karen. My favorite champion is easily Cynthia.
E4:Agatha Gym leader:Blaine
Brock is God.
E4: Caitlin
Champion: Cynthia
Gym Leader: Flannery
Giovanni ofc. He's italian like me and use my favourite type of pokemon, the ground one (*_*)
" Sometimes you must HURT in order to KNOW, FALL in order to GROW, LOSE in order to GAIN because life's greatest lessons are learned through PAIN."

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