Poll: Which feature has been your favorite so far?
This poll is closed.
Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X
12 30.77%
Defensive Hazard Setter Nidoqueen
10 25.64%
Calm Mind Clefable
6 15.38%
Defensive Slowbro
5 12.82%
Retaliation Steelix
6 15.38%
Total 39 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #5: Retaliation Steelix
Alola everyone! :D

Welcome to the fifth edition of Vinnie Features.
''Vinnie features'' is a collection of Pokemon I had fun with, love using or (imo) great in competitive play. It's a concept I have been thinking of creating, since I recently started my journey in the competitive aspect of Pokemon.
I am in no means an expert in Pokemon battling and I'm doing it just for fun. I like experimenting with different pokemons, moves and teams (and losing horribly with them).

This weeks pokemon is another physical wall, I don't know, I just like them I guess. :P
A really awesome pokemon in my opinion. I just really like its looks and typing. Unfortunately it has a lot of weaknesses because of it.
I like to start off with him, set Stealth Rock and it can deal decent damage with its STAB moves. Iron Head and Rock Climb to profit from its Sheer Force ability.
Retaliate against physical attackers with Rocky Helmet and they are in for a world of hurt. Switch out against special attackers, especially against typings you're weak to.

[Image: 208.gif]
Steelix @ Rocky Helmet  
Ability: Sheer Force  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Earthquake  
- Iron Head 
- Rock Climb
- Stealth Rock

The rules:

1. Only via GTS.
2. Deposit one of the following pokemon:

[Image: 170.gif]Chinchou
[Image: 173.gif]Cleffa
[Image: 174.gif]Igglybuff
[Image: 176.gif]Togetic
[Image: 180.gif]Flaaffy

3. Please request Lv 91+ only!
4. Type VinnieFeatures in the GTS messagebox.
5. In order to get a Steelix please fill in the form below.

Pokemon Deposited:
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures

6. Wait for it..

The giveaway will end on Sunday 30 October 12:00 (CEST)

Previous features:
#1 Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X

#2 Defensive Hazard Setter Nidoqueen
#3 Calm Mind Clefable#4 Defensive Slowbro
Pokemon Deposited:Cleffa
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures
Apparently an update launched two seconds ago. Is it ok if i give you a lanturn instead of chinchou?

Pokemon Deposited: Lanturn
Gender: Male
Level: 50
IGN: Vincent
Message: VinnieFeatures
(Oct 23, 2016, 06:01 AM)Vinnie050 Wrote: Alola everyone! :D

Welcome to the fifth edition of Vinnie Features.
''Vinnie features'' is a collection of Pokemon I had fun with, love using or (imo) great in competitive play. It's a concept I have been thinking of creating, since I recently started my journey in the competitive aspect of Pokemon.
I am in no means an expert in Pokemon battling and I'm doing it just for fun. I like experimenting with different pokemons, moves and teams (and losing horribly with them).

This weeks pokemon is another physical wall, I don't know, I just like them I guess. :P
A really awesome pokemon in my opinion. I just really like its looks and typing. Unfortunately it has a lot of weaknesses because of it.
I like to start off with him, set Stealth Rock and it can deal decent damage with its STAB moves. Iron Head and Rock Climb to profit from its Sheer Force ability.
Retaliate against physical attackers with Rocky Helmet and they are in for a world of hurt. Switch out against special attackers, especially against typings you're weak to.

[Image: 208.gif]
Steelix @ Rocky Helmet  
Ability: Sheer Force  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Earthquake  
- Iron Head 
- Rock Climb
- Stealth Rock

The rules:

1. Only via GTS.
2. Deposit one of the following pokemon:

[Image: 170.gif]Chinchou
[Image: 173.gif]Cleffa
[Image: 174.gif]Igglybuff
[Image: 176.gif]Togetic
[Image: 180.gif]Flaaffy

3. Please request Lv 91+ only!
4. Type VinnieFeatures in the GTS messagebox.
5. In order to get a Steelix please fill in the form below.

Pokemon Deposited:
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures

6. Wait for it..

The giveaway will end on Sunday 30 October 12:00 (CEST)

Previous features:
#1 Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X

#2 Defensive Hazard Setter Nidoqueen
#3 Calm Mind Clefable#4 Defensive Slowbro
pokemon: igglybuff
gender: female
level: 1
IGN: Xander
GTS message: VinnieFeatures
Discord: Xander#9873, I'm back on ORAS, and I always love talking to anyone
Hola hola !  :D
Quote:Pokemon Deposited: Igglybuff
Gender: Male ♂
Level: 1
Message: VinnieFeatures

Thank you very much !  :P
Pokemon Deposited:Cleffa
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures
Pokemon Deposited:Chinchou
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: May
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures

IGN: Michael
Pokemon deposited: Igglypuff
Level: 1
Gender: female
Pokemon Deposited: flaaffy
IGN: Yik
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures

Pokemon Deposited:Plusle named HaveVenusaur
Gender: Feamale
GTS Message: Vinnie

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