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[NEW MEMBER] Hello All!
Stumbled across this little community looks fun figured id join and introduce myself! 

Name is Noah, i just beat Pokemon sun 2 hours ago, (Played the crap out of it since it came out) Really enjoyed the game and now exploring the rest of alola for secrets! Nice to meet you all hopefully meet some cool peeps and have some fun battles when i get my team going  :D
Welcome to the Forum!
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Welcome Smile
Welcome here! Smile
Thanks for the warm welcome peeps!
hi im ur frind right ( just go with it)
(Nov 20, 2016, 07:25 PM)silverswitch1234 Wrote: hi im ur frind right ( just go with it)

*gives rare candy* frind!
Hello there
Hey Noah! Welcome to our community :]
~ If they stand behind you, give them protection. ~
~ If they stand beside you, give them respect. ~
~ If they stand against you, show no mercy! ~

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