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[DISCUSSION] What are everyone's favorite DS games?
How are the nintendog games are they just simulators or do they have mini games always been interested
Are the star force games similar to battle network I used to like those also the zero series on DS but I assume they are completely different
Are the Phoenix Wright games mostly comedy or like visual novels like 999 if you played it
I've played through most of Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon on the DS it is really fun but somewhat different from the 3DS titles there is no casual mode so death is permanent.

I've recently played Retro Game Challenge it's kinda short if you just focus on the challenges but if your someone who like Retro games specifically 80s NES games you should enjoy it. I actually really liked Haggleman also I hear that there is a second one only released in Japan but there are English bootleg carts so I may stumble across one.
@Kidakairis Similar to the Battle Network Series!
@Kidakairis A bit of both, actually! The characters are really funny and there's just SO MANY puns, but it's not all parody cases, and it does get serious at times.
Check out my current breedject giveaway!

My mons are all bred in-game. I don't gen or clone, and I check the parents' history whenever possible.
That sounds awesome! Is there one you recommend starting with first or can they be played in any order? I'll start looking around for them.

That sounds fun I got the first one forever ago and just never started it I will have to try it soon. Are the sequels good I heard the one's with the other attorney wasn't so great.
@Kidakairis Yeah, Apollo Justice kinda sucked. My favorite was the third game (Trials and Tribulations), but everyone has a different opinion on that one! I also liked the Investigations games (you play as the prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth, instead of Phoenix in that series) a lot.

Oh and I also played Dai Gyakuten Saiban last year (it's on 3DS but it hasn't been translated, sadly) and I found it hilarious. The game in itself was nothing new (just a 'deduction' mechanic that was introduced in that game, to go with the Sherlock Holmes character), but the story and puns were really funny. I really hope that fans will translate it eventually!
Check out my current breedject giveaway!

My mons are all bred in-game. I don't gen or clone, and I check the parents' history whenever possible.
@Kidakairis I would start with Pegasus, Leo, or Dragon series first! It pretty much where and when the storyline begins! Then, Zerker x Ninja or Zerker x Suariun. Two in One is pretty good! Lastly, Black Ace or Red Joker. The title of the games should have their own numbers to play in order. Good luck finding them, especially the first ones. The series are like 8-10 years old.
Thank's I will start looking to see if I can find them. I hope so usually the local flea market has a lot of older games hopefully they have theses.
@Kidakairis That's convenient. Hope you get them at a good price.
@Kidakairis I've tried the perma death mode in FE:Awakening and I'd tear up everytime someone dies, so i went back to casual mode. I think i'd push through if i didnt have a choice to change modes haha! Hopefully i find a copy of the older games!
Thanks Smile. Look's like they are not to much on Amazon. Hopefully I can haggle for them.

Perma Death is alway really hard to put up with I normally just reset Smile. The older games are fun the one for the DS cost a decent amount considering it's a DS game. I really want the one on the Gamecube but man is it pricey and hard to find.

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