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[SUN/MOON] *Attention PKhex Users* Community GA!
Well i want to help (Yes i can use PKHEX) but i think i'm useless...
 Just give yourself to love! Love love love love--NO!
Well, I actually found out what it was I was doing wrong, so I can HeX to the grave.

I'm up for it, yo.
I'm still up for it! :D And  NINTENDO SWITCH HYPE
I am still up for it, put me down as confirmed Smile @Hatonacat
I am going to list you under backup for now

I recommend getting a profile pic so when people see it in the GA they will know it is you Smile

If you don't know how to do it then here's a guide:
Go to User Settings 
On the left hand side theirs "Your Profile"
Below that's a bunch of other stuff including "Change Avatar"
Hey Guys! So here are the Pokemon that you need to PKhex for the GA Smile
@Hatonacat  722-733
@Qui 734-740
@Brockahly 741- 749
@ThreeSidedSquare 750-756
@Sylveon 757-764
@br3ndy 765-773
@Omradem 774-784

@br3ndy PM me your sets that you want and I'll make them. Then we will find a time to trade Smile
757 - Salandit
758 - Salazzle
759 - Stufful
760 - Bewear
761 - Bounsweet
762 - Steenee
763 - Tsareena
764 - Comfey

Alrighty, seems simple enough.
How much of each should I make? Should I make them battle ready?
Sent the PM.
Also i'm forget to mention in the PM that the poke should be not nicknamed. Smile

I think all the poke we GA should be BR so ppl who get the poke can use them for battle.
@Sylveon 1 Box of each. If you run out you can always fill your box back up. Yes, It would be awsome if they could be BR Smile

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