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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal)
Deposited same for Greninja: Lv1 Shellder F in QuickBall.
@TheAlmightySancho I still need to give you the draco plate Smile
(Apr 29, 2017, 12:14 PM)NotsoEpicM Wrote: @NotsoEpicM Nihilego has to be at or over level 55 because that is the level it is encountered at.

That's fine with me level 55 works, just let me know when to deposit
@MS21 Enjoy Smile
@lelcharmander Enjoy Smile
@NotsoEpicM Deposit whenever possible Smile
Item:Gold Bottlecap
Pokeball:Premier ball
Shiny: Y
-Precipice Blades
-Hammer Arm
-Lava Plume

Item:Focus Sash
Pokeball:Premier ball
Shiny: Y
-Origin Pulse
-Water Spout
-Ice Beam
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3

Oh yeah. Forgot about the draco plate.
EDIT: Actually, I'm not that bothered about the draco plate. I just remembered Arceus's type changes if it has a Z-crystal as well.
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
IGN: Milah
Pokemon Deposited: Fletchinder nicknamed "Rene"
Level of deposited: 17
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Tyrantrum
Message:I want to fill my pokedex
@TheAlmightySancho Ok Smile
@MS21 Enjoy Smile

I'm going to stick with the Groudon+Kyogre request since I'm making a 4-legendary team using the 4 storyline ones from ORAS
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
-Final request
Thanks for everything

Mew @ Expert Belt
Level : 5 ( Most important part, honestly everything else can be randomized, just really want to build a mew from scratch,and level 5 is lowest legal level)
Shiny: No
OT: Milah ( if possible)
Nickname: None
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Psychic
- Recover
- Stone Edge
- Dream Eater

But then again, "Mew" and "level 5" are the only important factors, everything else can be randomized, as I just want to train a mew from lv 5 ;-) Even if you happen to have a lv 5 mew from a previous gen,that would be perfect too

Thanks for the previous gens ;-) and for your time and generosity xoxoxo

Edit: Just realized it is a event pokemon, so we will need to link trade ( Hope that isnt a problem)
Incase anything on the above mentioned pokemon turns out to be illegal, feel free to make edit

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