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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
I'm ready for Rotom!
Pokemon Deposited: lv. 1 Exeggcute (F)
Pokemon Requested: Rotom
IGN: Kial
Msg: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks as always!

Pokemon deposited: Eggxecute
Level: 41
Gender: Female
Requested: Nidoking
Message: Please trade Pokemon with. Thanks in advance.

Hey @moo311 are you available now?
Nice lol thanks again just wanted to make sure xP
Requesting: Empoleon
Deposited: Exeggcute
Gender: Female Lv: 42
This'll be the only one I'll be able to manage today xP
Requested: Venusaur
Deposited: Exeggcute lvl 42 Male

Thank u!
I deposited a lvl 43 female exeggcute for a latias ign is hawkeye
I'm going to have to apologise for not formatting this request like normal, but I was struggling to work out how to fill everything in so this'll have to do. Would you be able to get me the Unova, Kalos and Alola Ash Pikachus? I recently realised that I only ever managed to get the first 3 that came out.
Also, since we can do 4 requests at once, can you get a Marshadow?

If you're unable to get those 4 pokemon then tell me
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
1 stealth rock
3.iron head
4.dragon tail
adamant nature
253 hp 40 atk 4 sp atk 152 spd 60 speed
ability rough skin item rocky helmet
Hey just got the Absol deposited the ditto one now
Lvl 1 Male
Wanted 91-100 Ditto
Same Massage 

Thanks in advance Big Grin
@Mr-Soybean Enjoy Smile
@jceey15 Enjoy Smile
@wartty Enjoy Smile
@Arderico Enjoy Smile
@Darkpower Enjoy Smile
@P35 I don't see it Sad

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