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[ANIME] Best anime?
I'm planning on doing an anime-themed giveaway soon and I was wondering, which anime do you guys recommend? Also, which pokemon could represent the characters/story in the anime? So far, I've been recommended Blue Exorcist, Soul Eater, Ouran High School Host Club, One Piece, re:zero, and Btooom.
I think Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon is pretty good. It's about a Medieval/European-style dragon that takes on a human forme to become the maid of an overworked office worker in a comical slice-of-life story. Dragonite would be perfect to represent the maid Tohru (or Tooru) Blush

So a shiny Dragonite nicknamed Tohru with HA in a Dusk Ball with Dragon Dance, Extreme speed, Fly and Earthquake would be sweet Blush

The cute Kanna-chans character in its dragon-form looks alot like Reshiram, so that would be fitting Blush

Shiny Reshiram nicknamed Kanna-chan in a Premier Ball, Modest nature, Draco Meteor, Blue Flare, Solar Beam and a filler move would be really cool Smile

There are more dragons in the anime but their screen time is minimal and how they look is a bit unclear as they are mostly shown in recollections/flash-backs

Fafnir: A shiny Charizard nicknamed Fafnir (I guess it's 10 max characters for nicknames right? Otherwise "Fafnir-dono" would be cooler) in a Luxury ball, Modest/Timid nature with HP-Ice, Flame Charge, Flamethrower and Solar Beam

Elma: A shiny Dragalge in a Dive ball nicknamed Elma with Modest nature, Adaptability, Draco Meteor, Sludge Wave, HP-Fire and Toxic Spikes

Lucoa: Any Rayquaza named Lucoa really Big Grin

I made quite the research for why the different Pokemon would fit each character, but stating it here would make the post reeeaaally long so

Hope it sounds good Big Grin

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
Anime with mythical animals would be most easy...

Yuu Yuu Hakusho: 
Yuusuke: Pangoro the Japanese delinquent panda
Kuwabara: Sawk the blue martial artist OR Meowth because his beloved pet cat looks like one
Kurama: SHINY Ninetales (important, his color in canon and he's a youko no kyuubi)
Hiei: LITTEN (pouty little antisocial dark fire cat, it's like literally him and also SHORT lol)
Yukina: DEFINITELY Froslass
​​​​Genkai: Accelgor (THE MASKED FIGHTER) or Meinfoo (Chinese martial arts Pokemon)
Botan: Lurantis (eh, pink o-furisode whatever)
Koenma: Elgyem (short, alien, blue)
The blue ogre with Koenma whose name I forget (was it George..?): Thundurus
Younger Toguro: Machamp
older Toguro: Croagunk because he's a creepy little fighting type @#%÷!/!/^!
Shizuru: also Pangoro
​​​​​Keiko: Illumise (her name means firefly and it refers to a studious scholar myth in Japan)

let me think of some others...

​​​Goku: Infernape because Journey to the West that's why
Chichi: Medicham (part psychic feminine fighter who can boss Goku around lol) or Mienshao (Chinese-inspired beautiful lady martial artist, like her)
Gohan as a child: Marshadow
Yamcha: Hitmonchan or Magikarp
Tien: Jirachi or Mega Gengar (3rd eye)
Vegeta: Hariyama (wears samurai armor, full fighting because he devoted his whole life to fighting but Goku is part fire because of the warmth of human kindness, yeah I know I'm overthinking this.)
Freeza: Mewtwo basically IS Freeza...
Tien's lil pet dude whose name escapes me: MR. MIME
Bulma: Shiny Gardevoir?  They're both girly with blue hair.  I dunno.
Majin Buu: JIGGLYPUFF or its line,  round and pink
@PerchPond @Chansey Thank you guys so much. I won't be able to include all of these, but I'll definitely make sure to include at least 3-4 pokemon each in the giveaway.
(Sep 9, 2017, 02:22 PM)PerchPond Wrote: I think Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon is pretty good. It's about a Medieval/European-style dragon that takes on a human forme to become the maid of an overworked office worker in a comical slice-of-life story. Dragonite would be perfect to represent the maid Tohru (or Tooru) Blush

So a shiny Dragonite nicknamed Tohru with HA in a Dusk Ball with Dragon Dance, Extreme speed, Fly and Earthquake would be sweet Blush

The cute Kanna-chans character in its dragon-form looks alot like Reshiram, so that would be fitting Blush

Shiny Reshiram nicknamed Kanna-chan in a Premier Ball, Modest nature, Draco Meteor, Blue Flare, Solar Beam and a filler move would be really cool Smile

There are more dragons in the anime but their screen time is minimal and how they look is a bit unclear as they are mostly shown in recollections/flash-backs

Hope it sounds good Big Grin


+1 this
Hmm, how about Digimon?

Or inside Sengoku basara you can find maybe Lookalike pokemon Gallade with someone in there.

Rhyperior in Nobunaga no fool

Jackie chan anime version tv show with Hitmonchan

The cats in fairy tail ? (Happy a blue cat/ etc)

Toshiro hitsugaya from Bleach Ice dragon= Kyurem ?
Zabimaru the sword snake of Renji abarai= A snake in Pokemon

Dragonball majin buu (pink fat )with Snorlax shiny/or lickytung/lickilicky?

Kurama white form/Fox (yu yu hakusho) = ninetales Alola version)

Yoruichi shinon = Lopunny (bleach )

Garo: Honoo no Kokuin= protagonist trsnsforms into cool Lion= Pyroar/ ?
Sailor Moon: 

Princess Serenity: Cresellia (elegant pastel moon legendary pokemon)
Sailor Moon: Wigglytuff (pink usagi/bunny who evolves with a moonstone and loves music)
Mercury: Lapras (blue color,  kind-hearted water and ice type who learns healing moves
Mars: Delphox (magical girl fire-type priestess, has psychic powers, foxes can become beautiful women in Japanese myth, line is possibly even based on Sailor Mars)
Chad: Growlithe.  Hairy and loyal and goodhearted​​​​​​.
Jupiter: Raichu or Ampharos (friendly or nature-associated like sheep) or possibly Roselia because of the grass/roses association
Venus: Lopunny (you know why. Also it can have both Cute Charm and Klutz as abilities.  What could be more Minako?) or Swablu (can learn sing, and is a dove-like bird (Venus is associated with birds)

​​​​​​Chibimoon: okay,  Diancie is literally Chibimoon.  She even has a SuperS-,I mean. MEGA- form.  
Helios: Mega Absol.  Teh purty yuunikronz.  It pritty.  It horseydog.  Sparklezzzzzz and kawaiiiiiii.

Outer senshi will have their own post!
Sailor Pluto: Froslass.  She's a Japanese female ghost, and they're usually traditionally associated with unrequited love and/or lingering regrets.  She's possibly a reference to Yukina from Yuu Yuu Hakusho, AS IS PLUTO HERSELF.  Don't believe me?  The series are written by ahusband and wife who sometimes easter egg each other's work,  and Setsuna's color scheme is just a darker version of Yukina's; Setsu is another reading of the character for snow, Yuki, so their names are basically a matching pun.  (Think Catty and Kitty.)  And gotta have that ghost type for her.  She's the sailor of the underworld, right..?

Neptune: Gorebyss- a water type that appears lovely, but is really ruthless.  Remember that time when Neptune almost destroyed the world because of emotions..?  She's a female Diamond.  But still popular because she's pretty.  

Uranus: Braviary.  It's a flying type and associated with America;  Uranus's looks are a common anime stereotype of what Americans look like, even though she probably isn't part foreigner.  It's also brave, loyal protective and duty-oriented coughunlikeneptunecough

Saturn: Absol.  A dark type who's feared and loathed because it performs a necessary but inauspicious function trying to save people

Andy the arcade guy: Also Growlithe.  Friendly, loyal and loveable supporting character.  Moon has a great supporting cast imho.
Re: Zero yo for sure.

Subaru: Hitmonchan, since Subaru shows he knows martial arts.

Best girl, aka Rem: Shiny Gardevoir because she has blue hair like Gardevoir and Shiny Mega Gardevoir's dress looks almost like Rem's outfit. Add on Hidden Power Ice or even Icy Wind to reference El huma.

Ram: This one's a tough one but I think Shiny Ampharos fits Ram well. Cotton Guard [yes] to reference how protective she is of Rem.

Emilia: idk, uhh Shiny Kantonian Ninetales? I don't like her. But Shiny Kantonian Ninetales does work perfectly because of the color scheme and moveset being largely special. However Shiny Delphox works too.

Wilhelm: Physical Empoleon. When you see Wilhelm's design you'll see why.

Felix: Meowth or Persian [Kantonian] I love the crossdressing Neko so I had to rep him.

Old Man Rom: Conkeldurr, it's a perfect fit.

Puck: Alolan Ninetales because

Puck goes from being cute and tiny to a fearsome demon, that of which I assume is a fox, and Alolan Ninetales because of episode 13

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