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[FUN] Pokemon Forever Association UPDATE #5: SCHEDULES AND BATTLE INFO
So, a few of my friends and I thought it would be cool to get together and make a league, taking inspiration from leagues on YouTube such as the GBA and the UCL. However, there are only three of us, and a league with three people would not work so well, so we decided to make a post on the forums to see if anyone would be interested to join us. We plan on having two separate divisions, a Singles Division and a Doubles Division, but depending on community interest, we may only do one or the other. Below I have listed the rules and guidelines, please check them out before signing up to join.

- When requesting to join, please specify which division you would like to participate in. You may join the Singles Division, Doubles Division, or both.
- Please also specify team name when requesting to join as well. Your team name should include a location and a Pokémon, similar to the names of teams found in the GBA and UCL.
- Logos are optional. You can go hardcore and draw an original piece, or do something as simple as just the Pokémon and the name. It's up to you!
- Sign ups will conclude once there is enough people for a decent sized league. We would like to push for 16, but we will take what we can get!
- You must be 100% willing to play an entire season. Don't play a few games and decide you don't want to do it anymore. You must be determined!
- Battles may take place either on Pokémon Showdown or in the actual 3DS games, depending on people's preference.
- Please make sure to save the replay, and give us either the Showdown link or Battle Codes depending on which platform you battled on.
- Frequently check back to this post for updates on teams, drafts and more!

Thank you for reading, and we hope you join the league!

UPDATE #1: Thank you to everyone who has joined so far! Mitch and I have decided to give the league the name of Pokemon Forever Association (PFA for short.) However, we are still taking name suggestions. Feel free to suggest them!
UPDATE #1.5: There is now a website guys! CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!
UPDATE #2: Just so everyone knows, we decided to end signups on AUGUST 12th. If you would like sign up, please sign up before then! Thanks guys!
UPDATE #3: Okay guys we got some information on the draft! It will be held August 15th and August 16th, 12PM PST/3PM EDT/8PM BST. I know that some people might not be able to make it because of time zones, but we tried to accomodate as many people as possible. We are trying to get at least one day of the draft on, but if that is not possible both days will be held on my twitch account, IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT, LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL TRY TO WORK SOMETHING OUT! Thanks for joining, and we will see you at the draft!


- Pokeguy19: Staten Island Infernapes (BOTH) (ORGANIZER)
- Mitchmaster24: Connecticut Crobats (BOTH) (ORGANIZER)
- Applejackpony100: Boston Butterfrees (BOTH) (ORGANIZER)
- MudkipLegend: Central Jersey Swamperts (BOTH)
- Bucsfan818: Mianus Marowaks/Bangkok Bouffolants (BOTH)
- Kiingah: Tacoma Totodiles (DOUBLES)
- Royal: United Kingdom Sableyes (SINGLES)
- Black117: Los Angeles Nidokings (BOTH)
- Chimchared7: Hillsborough Hitmontop (DOUBLES)
- Mannykkkkk: New York Ninetails (DOUBLES)
- Jetman99: Ardeer Arcanines (BOTH)
- Gandora100: California Charizards (BOTH)
- ItalianG62: Schenectady Sceptiles (BOTH)
- Evilsabre: Sootopolis Swellows (BOTH)
- DanielJames: Canton City Clefables (DOUBLES)
- Colec91: Dallas Bidoofs (DOUBLES)
- Squeab: Blackthorn Beedrills (BOTH)
- Princessgamer24: Dallas Dunsparce (BOTH)
- D_shyGuy01: Guatemala Tropius (SINGLES)
- UnfriendlySkunk: Birmingham Blastoise (DOUBLES)
- GamingMct: Llanelli Ludicolos (SINGLES)
- Tygaa2: Cinnabar Island Charmanders (DOUBLES)
- Coconut_thunder: Bradford Basculins (DOUBLES)
Central Jersey Swamperts bout to take another league tjfRekt
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


I want in. sign me up as the Mianus Marowaks. Ill do both divisions i guess
put me down for the doubles division
Tacoma Totodiles
4270-1986-3494 ign: Antoine
I would love to enter. "United Kingdom Sableyes" (UKS) (only singles)
I'm somewhat interested in partaking in the doubles section at least for the Los Angeles Nidokings. Btw is this gonna be VGC or Smogon Doubles just gonna ask?
(Aug 3, 2015, 06:37 PM)Black117 Wrote: I'm somewhat interested in partaking in the doubles section at least for the Los Angeles Nidokings. Btw is this gonna be VGC or Smogon Doubles just gonna ask?

Doubles is going to be VGC. Thanks for joining!
sign me up as the hillsborough hitmontop

"They call me damage"  


Lets make the Pokemon Forever Forum Great Again!
(Aug 3, 2015, 07:18 PM)Chimchared7 Wrote: sign me up as the hillsborough hitmontop

doubles or singles?
vgc kappa

"They call me damage"  


Lets make the Pokemon Forever Forum Great Again!

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