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Hey everybody
Hey there everybody, My name's James and I'm 18. I've been playing Pokemon since gen 3 and have been playing competitively (fairly casually) for about a year now. I've recently been trying to get into VGC and am hoping to learn more about it, as although I have a vague understanding of the metagame it'd be nice to get to a respectable point on the ladder and possibly play in tournaments.

I'm looking forward to meeting new people on here Smile
Welcome to the forum! If you haven't done so yet, why not check out this to see who we are and what we can offer. You can also participate in this weeks Meet & Greet Thread. Hope you enjoy it here :]
welcome to the forums =) If you ever want help breeding or testing out teams for that arduous grind feel free to look me up!
Welcome to the site

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