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So what pokemon do you think will be near you?
I live in one of the coldest areas (our winters usually get -50F to -60, so I'd have to expect ice types, but because of the town I live in, I can expect Jynx and Delibird to be aplenty haha :P
wow, sounds like we have people from all over the place on this forum. Just shows to go ya how awesome the net can be at bringin' people together! Having go be regon based might be cool...but if I can't snag a riolu without going on an international flight I'ma be a bit miffed xD
Southern part of Canada here, however I live in a very old town... perhaps I'll get a mixture of ice, ghost, and steel? I -really- hope a Cubchoo and/or Magnemite are in my area, or maybe even a spiritomb?
Trubbish XD
(Oct 2, 2015, 12:58 AM)InsaneAnimal Wrote: Southern part of Canada here, however I live in a very old town... perhaps I'll get a mixture of ice, ghost, and steel? I -really- hope a Cubchoo and/or Magnemite are in my area, or maybe even a spiritomb?

sounds like some cool pokes, I can see spiritomb hiding near a dilapidated old house disguised as a cornerstone or somethin'

(Oct 4, 2015, 03:29 AM)Mikcow Wrote: Trubbish XD

bahaha, well you win some you lose some, guess the good news is that it sounds like the nice people here will have cool stuff to trade for it xD
i live in the desert, so maybe some a dem cactus mons
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I live in a more tropical enviroment.
I would like to see Ludicolo, Tropius, and Croagunk.
(Oct 6, 2015, 10:23 AM)Justin Wrote: i live in the desert, so maybe some a dem cactus mons

nice, maybe if you are lucky you'll also get stuff like Trapinch, Sandshrew, and Maractus which are all pretty cool

(Oct 6, 2015, 10:42 AM)CptThomAwesome Wrote: I live in a more tropical enviroment.
I would like to see Ludicolo, Tropius, and Croagunk.

those are some fun mon, remind me to hit you up if you find a Croagunk cache xD
I'm in Houston. Maybe Deoxys at Nasa? It's also Texas, so I'm sure there is Ponytas and Tauros everywhere.

Pidgey, Pikachu, Growlithe, just a lot of basic pokemon.

Probably Staryu, Poliwag, and Wingull near the coast; maybe a Sharpedo.
There is NOTHING but squirrels in Orlando and central Florida in general so there would be a lot of pachirisu and other things like that here.

I could also see Dakrai living somewhere off OBT.

(Oct 4, 2015, 03:29 AM)Mikcow Wrote: Trubbish XD


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