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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking for Friend Safari!
(Mar 29, 2016, 07:39 AM)Thalassa Wrote: ill add anyone. My fc is 4399-3031-0182
@thegirlwhowrites16 I added you! You don't say what your IGN is though ^-^'
@Thalassa @thegirlwhowrites16 @Oddish 4 ever @beakonizer @KeenDoll @Excalibur0126 @Vodnik @JFoshizzle @Cymbion @DeepSeaKeo @Agiant47 
I'll allso add all of you Smile unsure what safari I have.

FC on the left
@Marsov added
You have a ghost safari with Phantump, Lampent and the 3rd one didn't appear Smile
@thegirlwhowrites16 added you Smile
@Marsov added! Very sorry for the late reply, I had internet problems yesterday ^-^'
Got a shiny phantump earlier today from @Oddish 4 ever 's friend safari!
@beakonizer Congrats! I haven't had the time to shiny hunt yet in my new safaris but hopefully I will today!
I'll add everyone.
My fc are: 3883-4767-7323 and 4098-6397-7973
The first one is poison: kakuna, ariados, whirlipede
The second one is dark: nuzleaf, crawdaunt: liepard
Feel free to add me!?
Hey Smile I'm going to add you all, add me back x)
@Peroline and  @PAMPANN added you both! =)

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