(Mar 27, 2016, 01:31 PM)moo311 Wrote:Pokemon: Charizard (or lower forms i can also train myself if you want)
Nickname: Natsu
Pokeball: Any
Gender: Preferebly male
Ability: Any
Nature: timid
Shiny: yes
Item: mega charezardite y (if posible)
IVs: HP31/At 31/ def 31 / sp.atk 31/ sp.Def 31 / spe 31
EVs: i'll train myself
- dragon rush
- flare Blitz (i have this move on one of my own charmander so i could trade you one)
- outrage (i have this move on one of my own charmander so i could trade you one)
- filler
Thank you so so so much for doing this to the comuniti
thanks in advance