May 30, 2016, 05:29 PM
(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2016, 05:25 AM by Ajerexl.
Edit Reason: Needed to update the thread.
I'm giving away Hidden Ability Piplups.
- Ability: Defiant
- Nature: Modest
- IV's are scattered (Sorry)
- Not holding an item
Pokemon Wanted:
-Hitmontop (Got it through GTS)
-Togepi (Got it through Pandagarou)
- Umbreon
Pokemon NOT Wanted:
- Zigzagoon
- Linnone
- Wurmple
- Cascoon
- Silcoon
- Beautifly
- Dustox
- Magikarp
- Eevee
- Poochyena
- Mightyena
- Pidgey
- Bunnelby
- Shroomish
- Fletchling
- Charmander
- Bidoof
- Luvdisc
* I don't care if the pokemon has perfect IV's or not.
* I don't care if the pokemon is shiny.
* I don't care if the pokemon has its hidden ability.
* I don't care if it's holding an item.
* IF you can't trade the specified pokemon in the WANTED section, that's fine, any pokemon will do.
* I have two 3DS's (1 English and 1 Japanese)
- English:
- 0319-1138-3131
- In game name(s): Alex OR/Alex AS
- Japanese:
- 4442-2755-7445
- In game name: Alex
* The Piplups are on my Japanese 3DS currently.
* I would greatly appreciate it if you up my rep when you get your Piplup, but I don't require it.
* I do need your friend codes so message them down below please.
* I will try to check this thread everyday until the due date is up.
1.) I will NOT accept hacked pokemon.
2.) Only 1 per person.
3.) I will only giveaway these pokemon through Friend Codes.
4.) Don't try to trade me any pokemon in the NOT WANTED section, I will not allow it.
5.) I will keep this thread open until August 1st, I will not trade anymore HA Piplups afterwards.
- Ability: Defiant
- Nature: Modest
- IV's are scattered (Sorry)
- Not holding an item
Pokemon Wanted:
- Umbreon
Pokemon NOT Wanted:
- Zigzagoon
- Linnone
- Wurmple
- Cascoon
- Silcoon
- Beautifly
- Dustox
- Magikarp
- Eevee
- Poochyena
- Mightyena
- Pidgey
- Bunnelby
- Shroomish
- Fletchling
- Charmander
- Bidoof
- Luvdisc
* I don't care if the pokemon has perfect IV's or not.
* I don't care if the pokemon is shiny.
* I don't care if the pokemon has its hidden ability.
* I don't care if it's holding an item.
* IF you can't trade the specified pokemon in the WANTED section, that's fine, any pokemon will do.
* I have two 3DS's (1 English and 1 Japanese)
- English:
- 0319-1138-3131
- In game name(s): Alex OR/Alex AS
- Japanese:
- 4442-2755-7445
- In game name: Alex
* The Piplups are on my Japanese 3DS currently.
* I would greatly appreciate it if you up my rep when you get your Piplup, but I don't require it.
* I do need your friend codes so message them down below please.
* I will try to check this thread everyday until the due date is up.
1.) I will NOT accept hacked pokemon.
2.) Only 1 per person.
3.) I will only giveaway these pokemon through Friend Codes.
4.) Don't try to trade me any pokemon in the NOT WANTED section, I will not allow it.
5.) I will keep this thread open until August 1st, I will not trade anymore HA Piplups afterwards.