Nov 6, 2016, 03:29 PM
@BoneheadMarowak Nice catch!! I need to try horde hunting in more areas in ORAS :D
@TheDancingRoserade Awesome! I need to start doing more FS encounters, but I've currently been working on catching all the pokemon on route 22 with PR and using MM and SR to get some shiny starters :D
@KenPhoenixx In all honesty, shiny staryu/starmie are my two FAVORITE shiny fishing pokemon HANDS down. When I eventually start streaming on twitch (trying to save up for a capture card at the moment), I'm going to do it under the handle of "ReachBeyondTheStaryu" or RBTS :D
@Diegopj7 That's great!!! Sometimes HE is so frustrating with the waiting and hoping, but it's so rewarding to see one of the pokemon finally shiny (but heartbreaking when you accidentally faint it with a move that hits ALL pokemon like I've done before LOL)
@youngtomlin I need to recapture shiny relicanth and get a swablu, which I'll hopefully do through CF and HE respectively on XY! I actually just caught a shiny totodile by SR on HG/SS I was SO EXCITED IT'S THE FIRST STARTER SHINY I'VE EVER CAUGHT!!! I'm also MMing for a treecko on XY at the moment as well, currently 75 eggs in on that one, but it only took me 132 SR for the totodile I almost screamed when I saw it!!!!
@KenPhoenixx I tried going for the 5% huntail in X, but I eventually settled for getting clamperl and evolving it because I kept getting corsola and octillery (and kept breaking my chain, I only have so much of an attention span when it comes to CF lol)
@OGaryOak I tried SRing for a shiny turtwig in Platinum, but it's just so long of a cut scene that I move to HG/SS to see if I can get the starters there. I'm probably going to MM the others starters, it's just too much keenful eyeing when it comes to SRing for starters ;(
@TigerThornX Awesome, dude!! What method did you use to catch the eevee (or was it a random encounter?)? And congrats on the kyurem!!! I have yet to catch that legendary, hopefully I will with your amount of luck as well!!!
@TheDancingRoserade Awesome! I need to start doing more FS encounters, but I've currently been working on catching all the pokemon on route 22 with PR and using MM and SR to get some shiny starters :D
@KenPhoenixx In all honesty, shiny staryu/starmie are my two FAVORITE shiny fishing pokemon HANDS down. When I eventually start streaming on twitch (trying to save up for a capture card at the moment), I'm going to do it under the handle of "ReachBeyondTheStaryu" or RBTS :D
@Diegopj7 That's great!!! Sometimes HE is so frustrating with the waiting and hoping, but it's so rewarding to see one of the pokemon finally shiny (but heartbreaking when you accidentally faint it with a move that hits ALL pokemon like I've done before LOL)
@youngtomlin I need to recapture shiny relicanth and get a swablu, which I'll hopefully do through CF and HE respectively on XY! I actually just caught a shiny totodile by SR on HG/SS I was SO EXCITED IT'S THE FIRST STARTER SHINY I'VE EVER CAUGHT!!! I'm also MMing for a treecko on XY at the moment as well, currently 75 eggs in on that one, but it only took me 132 SR for the totodile I almost screamed when I saw it!!!!
@KenPhoenixx I tried going for the 5% huntail in X, but I eventually settled for getting clamperl and evolving it because I kept getting corsola and octillery (and kept breaking my chain, I only have so much of an attention span when it comes to CF lol)
@OGaryOak I tried SRing for a shiny turtwig in Platinum, but it's just so long of a cut scene that I move to HG/SS to see if I can get the starters there. I'm probably going to MM the others starters, it's just too much keenful eyeing when it comes to SRing for starters ;(
@TigerThornX Awesome, dude!! What method did you use to catch the eevee (or was it a random encounter?)? And congrats on the kyurem!!! I have yet to catch that legendary, hopefully I will with your amount of luck as well!!!
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!