Nov 14, 2016, 07:41 PM
@OGaryOak Agreed, I completed the totodile line in HG/SS though, all three shinies are now in my possession >:} Just gotta get three cyndaquils and three chikoritas!!
@mario2750 I really like clauncher's shiny design, though I like skrelp's overall design better (I really like bright red shinies lol)
@youngtomlin Congrats!! I do enjoy shiny chatot, it took me FOREVER to get one at Azure Bay LOL, but the color design for it is 10/10
@TheDancingRoserade Congrats on the dragonair!! I need to work on CFing a shiny dratini in XY soon, been putting it off with masuda method and poke radar lmao
@Huntaari Congrats!! I think I have 16 shinies so far this month, not counting repeats! Finally got my first shiny starter using masuda method (shiny treecko is soooooo nice yay!!)!
@MrRhino Nice!! I've only gotten shiny mesprit so far, I want to get back to SRing in ORAS soon, but I want to complete the shiny lines in HG/SS first! 6 more to go!
@DemonicWolfCreature Commented on your post, hope it helps!
@spirit6810 Don't give up!! It took me 3.8k SRs to get shiny latios (and a LOT of other SRs since I kept giving up), but once you finally see that shine it's sooooo worth it! Keep going!!! You can do it!
@mario2750 I really like clauncher's shiny design, though I like skrelp's overall design better (I really like bright red shinies lol)
@youngtomlin Congrats!! I do enjoy shiny chatot, it took me FOREVER to get one at Azure Bay LOL, but the color design for it is 10/10
@TheDancingRoserade Congrats on the dragonair!! I need to work on CFing a shiny dratini in XY soon, been putting it off with masuda method and poke radar lmao
@Huntaari Congrats!! I think I have 16 shinies so far this month, not counting repeats! Finally got my first shiny starter using masuda method (shiny treecko is soooooo nice yay!!)!
@MrRhino Nice!! I've only gotten shiny mesprit so far, I want to get back to SRing in ORAS soon, but I want to complete the shiny lines in HG/SS first! 6 more to go!
@DemonicWolfCreature Commented on your post, hope it helps!
@spirit6810 Don't give up!! It took me 3.8k SRs to get shiny latios (and a LOT of other SRs since I kept giving up), but once you finally see that shine it's sooooo worth it! Keep going!!! You can do it!
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!