Oh my gosh ! Around 50 Popplio hatched, just to have good IVs, Modest and ♀. Doing a round of strategic pokemons.
Only 6 females showed up... and one FREAKING SHINY among them !
And what's more ? THE 5IVs needed !!
So happy ^^
Oh and yeah, 10 days ago. was doing lot of things... Battle tree, training, eggs, etc.
In the morning, got a Bounsweet egg, only one... and then I just changed my mind, and went to do something else, battling. In the evening, I went back to hatching some eggs, Oranguru I think, and at some point, the Bounsweet egg was in pack, totally forgot about it. Hatched. SHINY. :D:D:D:D
Only 6 females showed up... and one FREAKING SHINY among them !
And what's more ? THE 5IVs needed !!
So happy ^^
Oh and yeah, 10 days ago. was doing lot of things... Battle tree, training, eggs, etc.
In the morning, got a Bounsweet egg, only one... and then I just changed my mind, and went to do something else, battling. In the evening, I went back to hatching some eggs, Oranguru I think, and at some point, the Bounsweet egg was in pack, totally forgot about it. Hatched. SHINY. :D:D:D:D