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[GIVEAWAY] Pokemon Sun And Moon Perfect IV Giveaway! (Rare, Shiny, Legendary, And More!)
Hi!, I created an account, the username is: Arde

Item: Aguav Berry
Ability: Magic Bounce
Level: 100
Shiny: no
Modest Nature
IVs: 5 IV, 0 Atk
EVs: 220 HP / 0 Atk/ 52 Def / 172 Spa / 4 SpD / 60 Spe
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect
- Morning Sun

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RE: Pokemon Sun And Moon Perfect IV Giveaway! (Rare, Shiny, Legendary, And More!) - by Arderico - May 9, 2017, 01:05 PM

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